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Legate Commander Detachment [16 Points]

  • Type: Infantry (1)
  • Detachment Size: 1
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Auxilia Commander 5" 6+ +3 2+ 1


  • Archaeotech pistols
  • Volkite chargers
Weapons Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Archaeotech pistols 6" 1 5+ -1 Accurate, Light
Volkite chargers 8" 1 5+ 0 Deflagrate, Light

Special Rules

Commander, Inspire (8"), Invulnerable Save (6+), Master Tactician, Solar Auxilia HQ (10")

Auxilia Tactical Command Detachment [10 Points]

  • Type: Infantry (1)
  • Detachment Size: 1
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Tactical Command 5" 6+ +1 3+ 1


  • Auxilia lasrifles
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Auxilia lasrifles 10" 1 5+ 0 Light

Special Rules

Commander, Inspire (8"), Solar Auxilia HQ (6")


Auxilia Lasrifle Tercio [30 Points]

  • Type: Infantry (1)
  • Detachment Size: 4
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Auxiliaries 5" 6+ +0 4+ 1


  • Auxilia lasrifles
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Auxilia lasrifles 10" 1 5+ 0 Light
Flamers 6" 1 4+ 0 Ignores Cover, Light


An Auxilia Lasrifle Tercio can purchase up to six upgrades chosen from the list below. It may purchase the same upgrade multiple times. Each upgrade increases the Detachment size by 2, adding the respective models:

  • Auxiliaries [+12 points]
  • Auxiliaries with Flamers [+12 points]*
  • Veletarii [+12 points]†
  • Ogryn Charonites [+15 points]†

*Models added via this upgrade are Auxiliaries that exchange Auxilia lasrifles for flamers.

Models added via these upgrade use the respective profiles on the following page.

Special Rules

Chain of Command, Line

Detachment Upgrades


  • Type: Infantry (1)
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Veletarii 5" 6+ +1 4+ 1


  • Auxilia laspistols
  • Power axes
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Auxilia laspistols 6" 1 5+ 0 Light
Power axes - - - - Rend

Special Rules

Independent, Line

Charonite Ogryns

  • Type: Infantry (1)
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Charonite Ogryns 5" 6+ +3 4+ 1


  • Charonite claws
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Charonite claws - - - - Rend

Special Rules

Furious Charge, Independent


Auxilia Ogryn Charonite Section [50 Points]

  • Type: Infantry (1)
  • Detachment Size: 4
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Charonite Ogryns 5" 6+ +3 4+ 1


  • Charonite claws
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Charonite claws - - - - Rend


An Auxilia Ogryn Charonite Section can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+15 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+30 points]

Special Rules

Furious Charge

Auxilia Veletaris Storm Section [40 Points]

  • Type: Infantry (1)
  • Detachment Size: 4
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Veletarii 5" 6+ +1 4+ 1


  • Auxilia laspistols
  • Power axes
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Auxilia laspistols 6" 1 5+ 0 Light
Power axes - - - - Rend


A Veletaris Storm Section can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+10 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+20 points]

Special Rules


Auxilia Cyclops Battery [40 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 2
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Cyclops 9" 5+ -8 - 1


  • Demolition charge or an incineration charge. All models in the Detachment must be equipped with the same weapons.
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Demolition charge - 1 3+ -1 Blast (3"), Demolisher
Incineration charge - 1 3+ -1 Blast (3"), Ignores Cover, Light AT


An Auxilia Cyclops Battery can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+40 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+80 points]

Special Rules

Compact, Remote Controlled Detonation


Auxilia Rapier Battery [50 Points]

  • Type: Infantry (1)
  • Detachment Size: 3
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Auxilia Rapier 4" 6+ +0 4+ 1


  • Laser destroyer array, quad launcher, or mole mortar
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Laser destroyer array 15" 2 4+ -2 Anti-tank
Quad launcher 6"-30" 2 4+ -1 Barrage, Light
16" 1 4+ -1 Demolisher, Light AT
Mole mortar 20" 1 4+ -1 Burrowing


An Auxilia Rapier Battery can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 3 [+40 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 6 [+70 points]

Special Rules

Bulky, Chain of Command

Auxilia Tarantula Battery [36 Points]

  • Type: Infantry (1)
  • Detachment Size: 4
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Auxilia Tarantula - 5+ -3 - 1


  • Tarantula lascannon battery or Hyperios air-defense missile launcher
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Tarantula lascannon battery 22" 2 5+ -1 Anti-tank
Hyperios air-defense missile launcher 25" 1 4+ -1 Skyfire, Tracking


An Auxilia Tarantula Battery can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+15 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+25 points]

Special Rules

Automated Sentry


Auxilia Aethon Heavy Sentinel Patrol [35 Points]

  • Type: Walker (1)
  • Detachment Size: 2
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Aethon Heavy Sentinel 7" 4+ +0 4+ 1


  • Multi-laser
  • Sentinel missile launcher
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Multi-laser 14" 2 5+ 0 Light AT
Sentinel missile launcher 20" 2 4+ 0 Light, [Ignore Cover]
20" 1 4+ -1 Anti-tank


An Auxilia Aethon Heavy Sentinel Patrol can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+25 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+45 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 6 [+65 points]

Special Rules

Forward Deployment


Leman Russ Strike Squadron [175 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 4
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Leman Russ Tank 8" 2+ +2 4+ 1


  • Leman Russ battlecannon or Vanquisher battlecannon
  • Hull Mounted heavy bolter or Hull Mounted lascannon
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Leman Russ battlecannon 25" 1 4+ -1
Vanquisher battlecannon 32" 1 4+ -2 Anti-tank, Armourbane
Hull Mounted heavy bolter 12" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence
Hull Mounted lascannon 22" 1 4+ -1 Anti-tank, Arc (Front)


A Leman Russ Strike Squadron can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+85 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+160 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 6 [+220 points]

Special Rules

Chain of Command, Explorator Adaptation

Leman Russ Executioner Squadron [175 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 4
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Leman Russ Executioner 8" 2+ +2 4+ 1


  • Executioner plasma cannon
  • Hull Mounted heavy bolter or Hull Mounted lascannon
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Executioner plasma cannon 12" 2 4+ -1 Light AT
Hull Mounted heavy bolter 12" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence
Hull Mounted lascannon 22" 1 4+ -1 Arc (Front), Anti-tank


A Leman Russ Executioner Squadron can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+85 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+160 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 6 [+220 points]

Special Rules

Chain of Command, Explorator Adaptation

Leman Russ Demolisher Squadron [175 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 4
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Leman Russ Demolisher 8" 2+ +2 4+ 1


  • Demolisher cannon
  • Hull Mounted heavy bolter or Hull Mounted lascannon
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Demolisher cannon 12" 1 4+ -3 Demolisher, Ignores Cover
Hull Mounted heavy bolter 12" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence
Hull Mounted lascannon 22" 1 4+ -1 Arc (Front), Anti-tank


A Leman Russ Demolisher Squadron can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+85 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+160 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 6 [+220 points]

Special Rules

Chain of Command, Explorator Adaptation

Leman Russ Annihilator Squadron [175 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 4
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Leman Russ Annihilator 8" 2+ +2 4+ 1


  • Annihilator twin lascannon
  • Hull Mounted heavy bolter or Hull Mounted lascannon
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Annihilator twin lascannon 22" 1 4+ -1 Accurate, Anti-tank
Hull Mounted heavy bolter 12" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence
Hull Mounted lascannon 22" 1 4+ -1 Arc (Front), Anti-tank


A Leman Russ Annihilator Squadron can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+85 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+160 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 6 [+220 points]

Special Rules

Chain of Command, Explorator Adaptation

Leman Russ Exterminator Squadron [175 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 4
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Leman Russ Exterminator 8" 2+ +2 4+ 1


  • Exterminator autocannon
  • Hull Mounted heavy bolter or Hull Mounted lascannon


Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Exterminator autocannon 16" 3 5+ -1 Light AT
Hull Mounted heavy bolter 12" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence
Hull Mounted lascannon 22" 1 4+ -1 Arc (Front), Anti-tank

A Leman Russ Exterminator Squadron can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+85 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+160 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 6 [+220 points]

Special Rules

Chain of Command, Explorator Adaptation

Malcador Tank Squadron [165 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 2
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Malcador Tank 9" 3+ +2 4+ 2


  • Hull Mounted heavy bolter, Hull Mounted lascannon, Hull Mounted autocannon, or Hull Mounted demolisher cannon
  • Malcador battlecannon, Malcador Vanquisher battlecannon, or Malcador lascannon turret
  • Malcador heavy bolter sponsons, Malcador lascannon sponsons, or Malcador autocannon sponsons
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Malcador battlecannon 25" 1 4+ -1 Arc (Front)
Malcador Vanquisher battlecannon 32" 1 4+ -2 Anti-tank, Arc (Front), Armourbane
Malcador lascannon turret 22" 2 4+ -1 Anti-tank, Arc (Front)
Malcador heavy bolter sponsons 12" 2 5+ 0 Light, Point Defence
Malcador lascannon sponsons 22" 1 4+ -1 Anti-tank
Malcador autocannon sponsons 16" 2 5+ -1 Light AT
Hull Mounted heavy bolter 12" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence
Hull Mounted lascannon 22" 1 4+ -1 Anti-tank, Arc (Front)
Hull Mounted autocannon 16" 2 5+ -1 Arc (Front), Light AT
Hull Mounted demolisher cannon 12" 1 4+ -3 Arc (Front), Demolisher, Ignores Cover


A Malcador Tank Squadron can purchase any of the following upgrades. It may purchase the same upgrade multiple times, to a maximum Detachment size of 6:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 1 [+70 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+130 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+240 points]

Special Rules

Chain of Command, Explorator Adaptation

Auxilia Malcador Infernus Squadron [70 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 1
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Malcador Infernus 8" 3+ +1 4+ 2


  • Malcador inferno gun
  • Malcador autocannon sponsons or Malcador lascannon sponsons
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Malcador inferno gun - T 4+ -1 Arc (Front), Firestorm, Light AT
Malcador autocannon sponsons 16" 2 5+ -1 Light AT
Malcador lascannon sponsons 22" 1 4+ -1 Anti-tank


An Auxilia Malcador Infernus Squadron can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 1 [+70 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+140 points]

Special Rules

Chain of Command, Explorator Adaptation

Auxilia Valdor Squadron [70 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 1
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Valdor 8" 3+ +1 4+ 2


  • Neutron beam laser
  • Malcador autocannon sponson or Malcador lascannon sponson


Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Neutron beam laser 22" 1 4+ -3 Arc (Front), Shock Pulse
Malcador autocannon sponson 16" 2 5+ -1 Light AT
Malcador lascannon sponson 22" 1 4+ -1 Anti-tank


An Auxilia Valdor Squadron can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 1 [+70 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+140 points]

Special Rules

Chain of Command, Explorator Adaptation


Auxilia Super-heavy Tank Squadron [100 Points]

  • Type: Super-heavy Vehicle (3)
  • Detachment Size: 1
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Auxilia Super-heavy 7" 2+ +4 4+ 2


  • Hull Mounted Demolisher cannon
  • Hull Mounted heavy bolter turret
  • Baneblade cannon with Co-axial autocannon or Hellhammer cannon with Co-axial autocannon
  • Baneblade heavy bolter sponsons or Baneblade heavy flamer sponsons or Baneblade autocannon sponsons
  • Lascannon sponson turrets
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Baneblade cannon 25" 1 4+ -3
Hellhammer cannon 14" 1 4+ -3 Demolisher, Ignores Cover
Co-axial autocannon 16" 2 5+ -1 Co-axial, Light AT
Hull Mounted Demolisher cannon 12" 1 4+ -3 Arc (Front), Ignores Cover, Demolisher
Hull Mounted heavy bolter turret 12" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence
Lascannon sponson turrets 22" 2 4+ -1 Anti-tank
Baneblade heavy bolter sponsons 12" 4 5+ 0 Light, Point Defence
Baneblade autocannon sponsons 16" 2 5+ -1 Light AT, Point Defence
Baneblade heavy flamer sponsons 6" 2 4+ 0 Light, Ignores Cover, Point Defence


An Auxilia Super-heavy Tank Squadron can purchase any of the following upgrades. It may purchase the same upgrade multiple times, to a maximum Detachment size of 6:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 1 [+90 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 3 [+255 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 5 [+390 points]

Special Rules

Chain of Command, Explorator Adaptation

Auxilia Stormhammer Squadron [100 Points]

  • Type: Super-heavy Vehicle (3)
  • Detachment Size: 1
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Stormhammer 6" 2+ +2 4+ 2


  • Stormhammer cannon with co-axial multi-laser
  • Dual battlecannon
  • Hull Mounted lascannon
  • Stormhammer multi-laser sponsons
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Stormhammer cannon 28" 2 4+ -2 Arc (Front), Shred
Dual battlecannon 25" 2 4+ -1 Arc (Front)
Co-axial multi-laser 14" 2 4+ 0 Arc (Front), Co-axial, Light AT
Hull Mounted lascannon 22" 1 4+ -1 Arc (Front), Anti-tank
Stormhammer multi-laser sponsons 14" 5 4+ 0 Light AT, Point Defence
Stormhammer lascannon sponsons 22" 4 4+ -1 Anti-tank


An Auxilia Stormhammer Squadron can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 1 [+100 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+200 points]

Any Stormhammer may exchange its Stormhammer multi-laser sponsons for Stormhammer lascannon sponsons for [+4 points per model].

Special Rules

Chain of Command, Explorator Adaptation

Auxilia Shadowsword Squadron [140 Points]

  • Type: Super-Heavy Vehicle (3)
  • Detachment Size: 1
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Shadowsword 6" 2+ +2 4+ 2


  • Volcano cannon
  • Hull Mounted heavy bolter turret
  • Shadowsword heavy bolter sponsons
  • Lascannon sponson turrets
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Volcano cannon 70" 1 3+ -4 Arc (Front), [Engine Killer (2)]
Hull Mounted heavy bolter turret 12" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence
Shadowsword heavy bolter sponsons 12" 4 5+ 0 Light, Point Defence
Lascannon sponson turrets 22" 1 4+ -1 Anti-tank


An Auxilia Shadowsword Squadron can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 1 [+130 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+260 points]

Special Rules

Chain of Command, Explorator Adaptation

Auxilia Stormsword Squadron [100 Points]

  • Type: Super-Heavy Vehicle (3)
  • Detachment Size: 1
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Stormsword 6" 2+ +2 4+ 2


  • Stormsword siege cannon
  • Hull Mounted heavy bolter turret
  • Stormsword heavy bolter sponsons
  • Lascannon sponson turrets
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Stormsword siege cannon 30" 1 3+ -2 Arc (Front), Demolisher, Ignores Cover
Hull Mounted heavy bolter turret 12" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence
Stormsword heavy bolter sponsons 12" 4 5+ 0 Light, Point Defence
Lascannon sponson turrets 22" 1 4+ -1 Anti-tank


An Auxilia Stormsword Squadron can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 1 [+90 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+180 points]

Special Rules

Chain of Command, Explorator Adaptation

Auxilia Stormblade Squadron [120 Points]

  • Type: Super-Heavy Vehicle (3)
  • Detachment Size: 1
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Stormblade 6" 2+ +2 4+ 2


  • Plasma blastgun
  • Hull Mounted heavy bolter turret
  • Stormblade heavy bolter sponsons
  • Lascannon sponson turrets
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Plasma blastgun 20" 2 3+ -3 Arc (Front)
Hull Mounted heavy bolter turret 12" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence
Stormblade heavy bolter sponsons 12" 4 5+ 0 Light, Point Defence
Lascannon sponson turrets 22" 1 4+ -1 Anti-tank


An Auxilia Stormblade Squadron can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 1 [+110 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+220 points]

Special Rules

Chain of Command, Explorator Adaptation


Auxilia Thunderbolt Squadron [80 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 1
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Thunderbolt Fighter 25" 4+ +0 - 1


  • Quad autocannon
  • Thunderbolt twin-linked lascannon
  • Hellstrike missiles or Skystrike missiles or wing bombs
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Quad autocannon 16" 4 5+ -1 Arc (Front), Light AT, Skyfire
Thunderbolt twin-linked lascannon 22" 2 4+ -1 Anti-tank, Arc (Front), Skyfire
Avenger bolt cannon 16" 5 5+ -1 Arc (Front), Light AT, Skyfire, Rapid Fire
Hellstrike missiles 30" 2 4+ -1 Arc (Front), Armourbane
Skystrike missiles 30" 2 4+ -1 Anti-tank, Arc (Front), Skyfire, Tracking
Wing bombs - 2 4+ -2 Arc (Rear), Bombing Run


Any Thunderbolt Fighter can exchange its quad autocannon for an Avenger bolt cannon for [+3 points] per model.

An Auxilia Thunderbolt Squadron can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 1 [+80 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+150 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 3 [+210 points]

Special Rules

Flyer, Interceptor, Jink (5+)

Auxilia Avenger Strike Fighter Squadron [85 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 1
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Avenger Strike Fighter 28" 4+ +0 - 1


  • Avenger bolt cannon
  • Heavy stubber tail gun
  • Avenger lascannon or Avenger autocannon
  • Hellstrike missiles or Skystrike missiles or wing bombs
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Avenger bolt cannon 16" 5 5+ -1 Arc (Front), Light AT, Rapid Fire, Skyfire
Avenger autocannon 16" 4 5+ -1 Arc (Front), Light AT, Skyfire
Avenger lascannon 22" 2 4+ -1 Anti-tank, Arc (Front), Skyfire
Heavy stubber tail gun 14" 2 6+ 0 Arc (Rear), Light AT, Point Defence, Skyfire
Hellstrike missiles 30" 2 4+ -1 Arc (Front), Armourbane
Skystrike missiles 30" 2 4+ -1 Anti-tank, Arc (Front), Skyfire, Tracking
Wing bombs - 2 4+ -2 Arc (Rear), Bombing Run


An Auxilia Avenger Strike Fighter Squadron can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 1 [+85 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+160 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 3 [+220 points]

Special Rules

Flyer, Interceptor, Jink (5+)

Auxilia Lightning Fighter Squadron [85 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 1
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Lightning Fighter 30" 4+ +0 - 1


  • Lightning twin lascannon or Lightning twin multi-laser
  • Any two of the following: Hellstrike missiles, Skystrike missiles, or phosphex bomb clusters*

* A model can take multiples of the same option.

Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Lightning twin lascannon 22" 2 4+ -1 Anti-tank, Arc (Front), Skyfire
Lightning twin multi-laser 14" 4 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light AT, Skyfire
Hellstrike missiles 30" 2 4+ -1 Arc (Front), Armourbane
Skystrike missiles 30" 2 4+ -1 Anti-tank, Arc (Front), Skyfire, Tracking
Phosphex bomb clusters - 2 4+ -1 Arc (Rear), Bombing Run, Light AT, Ignores Cover


An Auxilia Lightning Fighter Squadron can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 1 [+85 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+160 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 3 [+220 points]

Special Rules

Flyer, Interceptor, Jink (5+)

Auxilia Marauder Bomber Squadron [85 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 1
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Marauder Bomber 24" 3+ +0 - 1


  • Nose Mounted lascannon
  • Marauder heavy bolter turrets
  • Marauder bomb bay
  • Any two of the following: Hellstrike missiles, Skystrike missiles, or wing bombs*

* A model can take multiples of the same option.

Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Nose Mounted lascannon 22" 2 4+ -1 Anti-tank, Arc (Front), Skyfire
Marauder heavy bolter turrets 12" 3 6+ 0 Arc (Rear), Light AT, Point Defence, Skyfire
Marauder bomb bay - 3 4+ -2 Arc (Rear), Bombing Run
Hellstrike missiles 30" 2 4+ -1 Arc (Front), Armourbane
Skystrike missiles 30" 2 4+ -1 Anti-tank, Arc (Front), Skyfire, Tracking
Wing bombs - 2 4+ -2 Arc (Rear), Bombing Run


Any model in the Detachment can be upgraded to one of the following Marauder variants, using the respective profile shown on pages 196-197:

  • Marauder Pathfinder [Free]
  • Marauder Colossus [Free]
  • Marauder Destroyer [+10 points]

An Auxilia Marauder Squadron can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 1 [+85 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+160 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 3 [+220 points]

Special Rules

Flyer, Jink (5+)

Detachment Upgrades

Auxilia Marauder Pathfinder

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Marauder Pathfinder 22" 3+ +0 - 1


  • Nose Mounted heavy bolter
  • Rear Mounted heavy bolter
  • Any two of the following: Hellstrike missiles, Skystrike missiles, and wing bombs*

* A model can take multiples of the same option. See page 195 for these options.

Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Nose Mounted heavy bolter 12" 3 6+ 0 Arc (Front), Light AT, Point Defence, Skyfire
Rear Mounted heavy bolter 12" 3 6+ 0 Arc (Rear), Light AT, Point Defence, Skyfire

Special Rules

Auger Array, Flyer, Jink (5+)

Auxilia Marauder Colossus

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Marauder Colossus 22" 3+ +0 - 1


  • Nose Mounted heavy bolter
  • Rear Mounted heavy bolter
  • Colossus bomb
  • Any two of the following: Hellstrike missiles, Skystrike missiles, and wing bombs*

* A model can take multiples of the same option. See page 195 for these options.

Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Nose Mounted heavy bolter 12" 3 6+ 0 Arc (Front), Light AT, Point Defence, Skyfire
Rear Mounted heavy bolter 12" 3 6+ 0 Arc (Rear), Light AT, Point Defence, Skyfire
Colossus bomb - 6 3+ -4 Arc (Rear), Bombing Run, Bunker Buster, Limited (1)

Special Rules

Flyer, Jink (5+)

Auxilia Marauder Destroyer

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Marauder Destroyer 24" 3+ +0 - 1


  • Nose Mounted autocannon array
  • Marauder heavy bolter turrets
  • Marauder assault cannon
  • Destroyer bomb bay
  • Any two of the following: Hellstrike missiles, Skystrike missiles, and wing bombs*

* A model can take multiples of the same option. See page 195 for these options.

Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Nose Mounted autocannon array 16" 6 5+ -1 Arc (Front), Light AT, Skyfire
Marauder heavy bolter turrets 12" 3 6+ 0 Arc (Rear), Light AT, Point Defence, Skyfire
Marauder assault cannon 12" 3 5+ -1 Arc (Rear), Light AT, Rapid Fire, Skyfire
Destroyer bomb bay - 2 4+ -2 Arc (Rear), Bombing Run

Special Rules

Flyer, Jink (5+)


Auxilia Arvus Lighter [12 Points Per Model]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: Variable
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Arvus Lighter 25" 4+ +0 - 1



Special Rules

Flyer, Hover, Jink (6+), Transport (2)

Auxilia Dracosan Detachment [37 Points per Model]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: Variable
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Dracosan 8" 2+ +2 4+ 1


  • Hull Mounted twin lascannon


Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Hull Mounted twin lascannon 22" 1 4+ -1 Accurate, Arc (Front), Anti-tank
Hull Mounted demolisher cannon 12" 1 4+ -3 Arc (Front), Demolisher, Ignores Cover


Any Dracosan may exchange its Hull Mounted twin lascannon for a Hull Mounted demolisher cannon for [+5 points per model]. Any model that does replaces its Transport (4) special rule with the Transport (2) special rule.

Special Rules

Explorator Adaptation, Transport (4)


Auxilia Medusa Battery [130 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 4
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Medusa 6" 3+ - 4+ 1


  • Medusa siege gun
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Medusa siege gun 12" 1 4+ -3 Arc (Front), Demolisher, Barrage


An Auxilia Medusa Battery can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+130 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 8 [+260 points]

Special Rules

Chain of Command, Explorator Adaptation

Auxilia Basilisk Battery [130 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 4
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Basilisk 6" 3+ +0 4+ 1


  • Earthshaker cannon
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Earthshaker cannon 8"-90" 1 4+ -2 Arc (Front), Barrage


An Auxilia Basilisk Battery can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+140 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 8 [+280 points]

Special Rules

Chain of Command, Explorator Adaptation