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Conquest Campaigns

Conquest campaigns allow players to directly follow the consequences of each battle, using a map of the region or planet that the players are fighting over, divided into a number of territories which players can conquer and defend. Each territory within it represents a particular area of the region being fought over, awarding Campaign Points, Requisition Points and other bonuses to the player that controls it.

Campaign Map

To play a Conquest campaign, the players will need a map, made up of a number of hexes, with each hex representing a territory on that map. An example of a map made up of hexes (in this case for the Second Battle of Nyrcon City Campaign) can be found on page 128. If players are not playing that named campaign, they should create their own map using the territories found on pages 74-76, ensuring the map remains in the selected configuration for the duration of the campaign, allowing them to reference it whenever required.

Designer's Note: Building a Campaign Map

If players wish to create their own map, the recommended number of hexes should be around three hexes per player in the campaign, or four hexes per player if there are four or fewer players in the campaign. We recommend each map contains a maximum of one Hive City territory per two players, plus at least one territory chosen from the following list per player: Fortress, Spaceport, Munitorum Depot, Manufactoria Complex, Titan Forge, Militarum Aerodrome or Research Facility, with the remainder of the map being made up of Settlement, Plains, Woodlands or Industrial Wasteland hexes.

Faction Commander

Each Faction has a Faction Commander who oversees the war effort of their Faction. Each Faction Commander is appointed at the start of the campaign, though if players wish, the Faction Commander can change at the start of each Campaign Cycle.

Starting Territories

The Faction Commanders each roll a D6, re-rolling ties. The Faction Commander with the highest result can select a territory on the campaign map to start in control of, then the other Faction Commander does the same. Once the Faction Commanders have selected a territory each, the remaining players each select a territory in turn, alternating between the Factions and starting with the Faction whose Faction Commander won the roll.

No player can select a territory that has already been selected by another player and each selected territory is not required to be adjacent to another controlled by a player from the same Faction.

Any territory not controlled by a player is referred to as a neutral territory.

Conquest Campaign Sequence

The following sequence is used during each Campaign Cycle of a Conquest Campaign:

  1. Determine Invaders

  2. Invade Territories

  3. Protect Territories

  4. Determine Battles

  5. Muster Armies

  6. Resolve Battles

  7. Capture Territories

  8. Cycle End Phase

1. Determine Invaders

At the start of each Campaign Cycle, an Invader needs to be determined. During the first Campaign Cycle, each Faction Commander rolls a D6, adding 1 to the result if their Faction was the winner in the previous Campaign Cycle. Re-roll if this results in a tie. The Faction of the Faction Commander with the highest result is the Invading Faction for that Campaign Cycle and the other Faction is the Protecting Faction.

2. Invade Territories

Each player from the Invading Faction must choose a neutral territory or a territory controlled by the Protecting Faction to invade. The chosen territory must be adjacent to a territory controlled by the Invading Faction, unless instructed otherwise. Multiple players can choose to invade the same territory if they wish.

No Territories

If a Faction does not control any territories at the start of a Campaign Cycle, that Faction can fight on, representing their forces conducting a guerilla campaign to attempt to regain some territories. The campaign continues and that Faction is automatically the Invader in that Campaign Cycle.

3. Protect Territories

Each player from the Protecting Faction must choose either a neutral territory or a territory a player from the Invading Faction has chosen to invade in order to protect it. A chosen neutral territory must be adjacent to a territory controlled by the Protecting Faction.

4. Determine Battles

At this stage the Faction Commander of the Invading Faction randomly determines two missions using the table in the Legions Imperialis Rulebook, then selects one of these to be the Mission in use for this Campaign Cycle. All battles fought during this Campaign Cycle will use the same Mission. Note that if players are fighting over control of a specific territory (such as a Spaceport), this may dictate that they will play an alternative Mission instead.

If one or more players from the Invading Faction have invaded a territory that one or more players from the Protecting Faction have chosen to protect, the players in question fight a battle during this Campaign Cycle.

5. Muster Armies

Each player musters an Army, using the rules found in the Legions Imperialis Rulebook, to a points limit of 3,000 points. When declaring an Allegiance for their Army, each player must declare the Allegiance that matches their Faction (e.g., a player from the Loyalist Faction must declare their Army Allegiance to be Loyalist).

After mustering their Army, if players have any Requisition Points, they can spend any of these to add a single additional Detachment to their Army for this battle. This does not change the agreed points limit for that battle, and so cannot affect the maximum amount of points that can be spent on Strategic Asset Formations, or the number of Formations or certain Detachments that are required to be included in an Army. That player then deducts a number of Requisition Points from their total equal to the points cost of the selected Detachment.

The additional Detachment must be included as part of a Formation, and is treated as part of that Formation for the duration of this battle, but can only be used to fill Optional Detachment slots in that Formation.

For example, Andy has 250 Requisition Points available after mustering their Army. Their Army includes a Legion Demi-Company Formation with an unfilled Optional Battle Tank Detachment slot. Andy chooses to add a Legion Predator Squadron Detachment to that formation consisting of six models, fora total points cost of 210 points. As such they deduct 210 Requisition Points from their total.

6. Resolve Battles

Players fight their battles using the Mission selected in Step 4 and the Army they have mustered in Step 5. The result of the battle must be recorded and reported to the other players and the Campaign Master.

Note that in cases where a player from one faction has decided to Invade or Protect a territory and no player from the opposing Faction has chosen to Invade or Protect that territory, no battle is fought, and the player Invading or Protecting that territory is automatically victorious.

If multiple players have chosen the same territory, the resulting battle(s) can be handled in a number of ways. If there is an even number of players Invading and Protecting, then players pair off and fight battles one-on- one. If there is an uneven number of players from each Faction, then the Faction with the greater number of players can nominate a number of their players equal to the number of players from the opposing Faction, then pair these players off against players from the opposing Faction as normal. Any remaining players do not fight a battle during this Campaign Cycle, but still gain rewards based on the overall result in that territory.

The results of each battle must be recorded and reported to the other players and the Campaign Master.

7. Capture Territories

Once all battles have been resolved and the results reported, territories may change hands. If the player from the Invading Faction won the battle for a territory, or if more players from the Invading Faction won a battle than lost a battle where multiple battles were fought for the same territory, then the Invading Faction gains control of that territory. Otherwise, the player from the Protecting Faction remains in control of the territory, or gains control of it if it was a neutral territory. In the case of a tie, or an equal number of wins and losses on the Invading Faction's side, control of the territory does not change (which can result in a neutral territory remaining neutral).

When a Faction gains control of a territory, if more than one player from each Faction was Invading or Protecting that territory, the player from the victorious Faction with the fewest number of territories gains control of that territory. If two or more players have the fewest number of territories, they each roll a D6, re-rolling ties, with the winner gaining control of the territory. A player may also give control of the territory to another player from their Faction if they so choose.

A territory is said to be controlled by the player who controls it and the Faction that player is part of. Some special rules may benefit other players in a Faction if it controls certain territories.

8. Cycle End Phase

At the end of each Campaign Cycle, each territory gives the player or Faction that controls it some rewards. Players should calculate the rewards they gain from each territory they control and report this to the other players and the Campaign Master.

Firstly, each player calculates the number of Campaign Points they gain from territories they control. Each territory has a Campaign Points value indicated on its profile (see below). The player adds up the value of each territory they control and reports the total.

Secondly, each player calculates the total Requisition Points value of the territories they control, and gains that many Requisition Points.

Ending a Conquest Campaign

Once a Faction reaches 120 Campaign Points at the end of a Campaign Cycle, the campaign ends, and that Faction is the overall winner. If both Factions reach the total in the same Campaign Cycle, then the Faction with the highest number of Campaign Points is the victor. If the totals are the same, then a final battle is fought between the Faction Commanders to determine which Faction is victorious.

Designer's Note: Longer or Shorter Campaigns

If your campaign has a larger or smaller number of players, you can increase or decrease the number of Campaign Points required accordingly. We recommend a required total of 20 Campaign Points per player in the campaign (so if your campaign has eight players, a total of 160 Campaign Points would be required for victory).