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Warfront Campaign

The following steps will instruct you on how to set up and play a Warfront campaign for Legions Imperialis.

Victory Conditions

A Warfront campaign is fought for six Campaign Cycles. At the end of the sixth Campaign Cycle, the Faction with the greatest number of Campaign Points is declared victorious. Players should always have access to the current Campaign Points totals.

Designer's Note: Longer or Shorter Campaigns

If your campaign has a larger number of players, you can increase the number of Campaign Cycles this campaign will be fought over. Similarly, if your campaign has four or fewer players, you may wish to reduce the number of Campaign Cycles. A campaign should always run for a minimum of three Campaign Cycles to allow a Faction that is falling behind a chance to catch up, or for an exciting ebb and flow of which Faction is winning.

Warfront Campaign Sequence

Each Campaign Cycle in a Warfront campaign uses the following sequence:

  1. Determine Battles

  2. Muster Armies

  3. Resolve Battles

  4. Assign Rewards

  5. Cycle End Phase

1. Determine Battles

During this step, each player will be paired with a player in the other Faction. This player will be their opponent for their battle during this Campaign Cycle. At this stage, players should determine a Mission for this battle, using the rules for Selecting a Mission in the Fighting a Battle section of the Legions Imperialis Rulebook.

2. Muster Armies

Each player musters an Army, using the rules found in the Legions Imperialis Rulebook to a points limit of 3,000 points. When declaring an Allegiance for their Army, each player must declare the Allegiance that matches their Faction (e.g., a player from the Loyalist Faction must declare their Army Allegiance to be Loyalist).

After mustering their Army, if players have any Requisition Points, they can spend any of these to add a single additional Detachment to their Army for this battle. This does not change the agreed points limit for that battle, and so cannot affect the maximum amount of points that can be spent on Strategic Asset Formations, or the number of Formations or certain Detachments that are required to be included in an Army. That player then deducts a number of Requisition Points from their total equal to the points cost of the selected Detachment.

The additional Detachment must be included as part of a Formation, and is treated as part of that Formation for the duration of this battle, but can only be used to fill Optional Detachment slots in that Formation.

For example, Andy has 250 Requisition Points available after Mustering their Army. Their Army includes a Legion Demi-Company Formation with an unfilled Optional Battle Tank Detachment slot. Andy chooses to adda Legion Predator Squadron Detachment to that formation consisting of six models, for a total points cost of 210 points. As such they deduct 210 Requisition Points from the total.

3. Resolve Battles

Players then fight battles against their designated opponent, using the Mission determined in Step 1 and the Army they have mustered in Step 2. The result of the battle must be recorded and reported to the other players and the Campaign Master if your campaign has more than two players.

4. Assign Rewards

During this step:

  • Each victorious player gains 3 Campaign Points. In addition, they gain D6x15 Requisition Points.

  • For each battle that was tied, both players gain 1 Campaign Point. In addition, each player gains D6x15 Requisition Points.

  • Each player who was defeated gains D6x10 Requisition Points.

5. Cycle End Phase

Any additional special rules are resolved here. Players add any Campaign Points they have gained to their Faction's total. Once this is done, the next Campaign Cycle begins, or if this was the final Campaign Cycle, the campaign ends.

Ending a Warfront Campaign

At the end of the final Campaign Cycle, the Faction with the greatest Campaign Points total is victorious.