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Legion Command [25 Points]

  • Type: Infantry (1)
  • Detachment Size: 1
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Command Squad 5" 4+ +4 2+ 1


  • Legion combi-bolters
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Legion combi-bolters 8" 1 5+ 0 Accurate, Assault, Light

Special Rules

Commander, Inspire (8"), Invulnerable Save (6+), Master Tactician, Medicae


Legion Rhino Detachment [10 Points per Rhino]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: Variable
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Rhino 9" 4+ +0 3+ 1


  • Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolter
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolter 8" 1 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Assault, Light, Point Defence
Pintle Mounted multi-melta 6" 1 5+ -3 Anti-tank, Arc (Front)
Pintle Mounted havoc launcher 15" 1 4+ 0 Arc (Front), Light AT, Point Defence


A Rhino may exchange its Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolter for one of the following:

  • Pintle Mounted havoc launcher [+2 points per model]
  • Pintle Mounted multi-melta [+4 points per model]

Special Rules

Transport (2)

Legion Spartan Detachment [80 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: Variable
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Spartan 8" 2+ +2 3+ 2


  • Sponson Mounted quad lascannon or Sponson Mounted laser destroyers
  • Hull Mounted heavy bolters
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Sponson Mounted quad lascannon 22" 2 4+ -1 Accurate, Arc (Front), Anti-tank
Hull Mounted heavy bolters 12" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence
Sponson Mounted laser destroyers 15" 2 4+ -2 Accurate, Arc (Front), Anti-tank
Hull Mounted lascannon 22" 1 4+ -1 Arc (Front), Anti-tank
Pintle Mounted multi-melta 6" 1 5+ -3 Arc (Front), Anti-tank


Any Spartan can exchange its Hull Mounted heavy bolters for Hull Mounted lascannon for [+2 points per model].

Any Spartan may be equipped with one of the following:

  • Pintle Mounted multi-melta [+5 points per model]

Special Rules

Assault Transport (5)

Legion Land Raider Detachment [40 Points per model]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: Variable
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Land Raider 9" 2+ +2 3+ 1


  • Sponson Mounted twin-linked lascannon
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Sponson Mounted twin-linked lascannon 22" 1 4+ -1 Accurate, Arc (Front), Anti-tank
Pintle Mounted multi-melta 6" 1 5+ -3 Arc (Front), Anti-tank


For every three Land Raiders in the Detachment, one Land Raider can be equipped with a Pintle Mounted multi-melta for [+5 points per model].

Special Rules

Forward Deployment, Assault Transport (2)

Legion Drop Pod Detachment [6 Points per Model]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: Variable
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Drop Pod - 4+ -3 - 1


  • Turret Mounted twin bolter
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Turret Mounted twin bolter 8" 1 5+ 0 Assault, Light, Point Defence


A Legion Drop Pod Detachment can purchase one Palisade Drop Pod for each Drop Pod in this Detachment for [+32 points per model].

Special Rules

Drop Pod, Transport (2)

Dreadnought Drop Pod Detachment [7 Points per Model]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: Variable
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Dreadnought Drop Pod - 4+ -8 - 1


  • None


A Dreadnought Drop Pod Detachment can purchase one Palisade Drop Pod for each Dreadnought Drop Pod in this Detachment for [+32 points per model].

Special Rules

Drop Pod, Large Transport (2)

Legion Termite Detachment [18 Points per Model]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: Variable
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Termite 5" 4+ +1 3+ 1


  • Termite twin-linked bolters
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Termite twin-linked bolters 8" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Assault, Light, Point Defence

Special Rules

Deep Strike, Transport (2)

Detachment Upgrades

Legion Palisade Drop Pod

Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Legion Palisade - 4+ -8 - -1


  • None

Special Rules

Drop Pod, Shield Generator (5+)


Legion Tactical Detachment [35 Points]

  • Type: Infantry (1)
  • Detachment Size: 4
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Tactical Legionaries 5" 5+ +2 3+ 1


  • Legion bolters
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Legion bolters 8" 1 5+ 0 Assault, Light
Plasma guns 10" 1 4+ -1 Light AT
Missile launchers 20" 2 4+ 0 Ignores Cover, Light
Missile launchers 20" 1 4+ -1 Anti-tank


A Legion Tactical Detachment can purchase up to four upgrades chosen from the list below. It may purchase the same upgrade multiple times. Each upgrade increases the Detachment size by 2, adding the respective models:

  • Tactical Legionaries [+12 points]
  • Plasma Tactical Support Legionaries [+15 points]*
  • Missile Launcher Heavy Support Legionaries [+15 points]†
  • Legion Terminators [+15 points]‡
  • Assault Marines [+12 points]‡

*Models added via this upgrade are Tactical Legionaries that exchange Legion bolters for plasma guns.

†Models added via this upgrade are Tactical Legionaries that exchange Legion bolters for missile launchers.

‡Models added via this upgrade use the respective profiles on the following page.

Detachment Upgrades

Legion Terminators

  • Type: Infantry (1)
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Legion Terminators 5" 4+ +4 3+ 1


  • Legion combi-bolters
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Legion combi-bolters 8" 1 5+ 0 Accurate, Assault, Light

Special Rules

Bulky, Deep Strike, Implacable, Invulnerable Save (6+), Steadfast

Assault Marines

  • Type: Infantry (1)
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Assault Marines 7" 5+ +3 3+ 1


  • Legion bolt pistols
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Legion bolt pistols 6" 1 5+ 0 Light

Special Rules

Independent, Jump Packs


Legion Plasma Gun Support Detachment [35 Points]

  • Type: Infantry (1)
  • Detachment Size: 4
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Support Legionaries 5" 5+ +2 3+ 1


  • Plasma guns
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Plasma guns 10" 1 4+ -1 Light AT


A Legion Plasma Gun Support Detachment can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+15 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+30 points]

Legion Missile Launcher Support Detachment [40 Points]

  • Type: Infantry (1)
  • Detachment Size: 4
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Support Legionaries 5" 5+ +1 3+ 1


  • Missile launchers
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Missile launchers 20" 2 4+ 0 Ignores Cover, Light
20" 1 4+ -1 Anti-tank


A Legion Missile Launcher Support Detachment can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+15 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+30 points]

Legion Assault Detachment [30 Points]

  • Type: Infantry (1)
  • Detachment Size: 4
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Assault Marines 7" 5+ +3 3+ 1


  • Legion bolt pistols
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Legion bolt pistols 6" 1 5+ 0 Light


A Legion Assault Detachment can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+12 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+24 points]

Special Rules

Jump Packs

Legion Terminator Detachment [50 Points]

  • Type: Infantry (1)
  • Detachment Size: 4
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Legion Terminators 5" 4+ +4 3+ 1


  • Legion combi-bolters
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Legion combi-bolters 8" 1 5+ 0 Accurate, Assault, Light


A Legion Terminator Detachment can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+15 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+30 points]

Special Rules

Bulky, Deep Strike, Implacable, Invulnerable Save (6+), Steadfast

Legion Rapier Battery Detachment [40 Points]

  • Type: Infantry (1)
  • Detachment Size: 2
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Legion Rapier 4" 5+ +1 3+ 1


  • Laser destroyer array or quad launcher
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Laser destroyer array 15" 2 4+ -2 Anti-tank
Quad launcher 6"-30" 2 4+ -1 Barrage, Light
16" 1 4+ -1 Demolisher, Light AT


A Legion Rapier Battery Detachment can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+30 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+60 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 6 [+90 points]

Special Rules


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Detachment [75 Points]

  • Type: Walker (1)
  • Detachment Size: 4
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Leviathan Dreadnought 5" 4+ +5 3+ 1


  • Leviathan storm cannon or cyclonic melta lance
  • Twin-linked volkite caliver
  • Leviathan siege claw
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Leviathan storm cannon 10" 2 5+ -1 Light AT, Rapid Fire
Cyclonic melta lance 6" 1 4+ -3 Anti-tank, Demolisher
Twin-linked volkite caliver 12" 1 4+ 0 Accurate, Deflagrate, Light
Leviathan siege claw - - - -4 Rend, Wrecker (2)


A Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Detachment can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+35 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+70 points]

Special Rules

Armoured, Invulnerable Save (5+)

Legion Dreadnought Talon [70 Points]

  • Type: Walker (1)
  • Detachment Size: 4
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Contemptor Dreadnought 5" 4+ +5 3+ 1


  • Kheres assault cannon or twin-linked lascannon
  • In-built twin-linked bolter
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Kheres assault cannon 10" 1 5+ -1 Light AT, Rapid Fire
Twin-linked lascannon 22" 1 4+ -1 Accurate, Anti-tank
In-built twin-linked bolter 8" 1 5+ 0 Assault, Light, Point Defence


A Legion Dreadnought Talon can purchase up to three upgrades chosen from the list below. It may purchase the same upgrade multiple times. Each upgrade increases the Detachment size by 2, adding the respective models:

  • Contemptor Dreadnoughts [+30 points]
  • Leviathan Siege Dreadnoughts [+35 points]*

*Models added via this upgrade use the respective profiles below.

Special Rules

Armoured, Invulnerable Save (6+)

Legion Deathstorm Drop Pod Battery [32 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 2
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Deathstorm Drop Pod - 4+ -8 - 1


  • Deathstorm missile launcher
Weapons Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Deathstorm missile launcher 10" D3+2 6+ -1 Light AT, Limited (1), Saturation Fire


A Legion Deathstorm Drop Pod Battery can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+32 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+64 points]

Detachment Upgrades

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought

  • Type: Walker (1)
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Leviathan Dreadnought 5" 4+ +5 3+ 1


  • Leviathan storm cannon or cyclonic melta lance
  • Twin-linked volkite caliver
  • Leviathan siege claw
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Leviathan storm cannon 10" 2 5+ -1 Light AT, Rapid Fire
Cyclonic melta lance 6" 1 4+ -3 Anti-tank, Demolisher
Twin-linked volkite caliver 12" 1 4+ 0 Accurate, Deflagrate, Light
Leviathan siege claw - - - -4 Rend, Wrecker (2)

Special Rules

Armoured, Invulnerable Save (5+)


Legion Tarantula Battery [36 Points]

  • Type: Infantry (1)
  • Detachment Size: 4
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Legion Tarantula - 5+ -3 - 1


  • Tarantula lascannon battery or Hyperios air-defence missile launcher
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Tarantula lascannon battery 22" 2 5+ -1 Anti-tank
Hyperios air-defence missile launcher 25" 1 4+ -1 Skyfire, Tracking


A Legion Tarantula Battery can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+15 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+30 points]

Special Rules

Automated Sentry

Legion Deredeo Dreadnought Detachment [85 Points]

  • Type: Walker (1)
  • Detachment Size: 4
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Deredeo Dreadnought 5" 4+ +2 3+ 1


  • Hellfire plasma cannonade or Anvilus autocannon battery
  • Aiolos missile launcher
  • Sarcophagus Mounted weapons
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Sarcophagus Mounted weapons 8" 1 6+ 0 Light, Point Defence
Aiolos missile launcher 25" 1 4+ -2 Anti-tank, Skyfire
Hellfire plasma cannonade 14" 2 4+ -2 Light AT
Anvilus autocannon battery 16" 2 5+ -1 Accurate, Light AT


A Legion Deredeo Dreadnought Detachment can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+40 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+80 points]

Special Rules

Armoured, Invulnerable Save (5+), Tracking Array


Legion Predator Squadron [115 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 3
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Legion Predator 9" 3+ +2 3+ 1


  • Predator cannon or Predator lascannon
  • Sponson Mounted heavy bolters or Sponson Mounted lascannon
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Predator cannon 18" 2 5+ -1 Light AT
Sponson Mounted heavy bolters 12" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence
Predator lascannon 22" 1 4+ -1 Accurate, Anti-tank
Sponson Mounted lascannon 22" 1 4+ -1 Anti-tank, Arc (Front)


A Legion Predator Detachment can purchase any of the following upgrades. It may purchase the same upgrade multiple times, to a maximum Detachment size of 9:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 1 [+35 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 3 [+95 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 6 [+185 points]

Legion Sicaran Squadron [105 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 2
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Legion Sicaran 10" 3+ +2 3+ 1


  • Hull Mounted heavy bolter
  • Twin-linked accelerator autocannon or Omega plasma array
  • Sponson Mounted heavy bolters or Sponson Mounted lascannon
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Hull Mounted heavy bolter 12" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence
Twin-linked accelerator autocannon 16" 3 5+ -1 Tracking
Omega plasma array 12" 1 4+ -2 Accurate
Sponson Mounted heavy bolters 12" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence
Sponson Mounted lascannon 22" 1 4+ -1 Anti-tank, Arc (Front)


A Legion Sicaran Squadron can purchase any of the following upgrades. It may purchase the same upgrade multiple times, to a maximum Detachment size of 6:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 1 [+40 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+70 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+140 points]

Legion Sicaran Punisher Squadron [110 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 2
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Sicaran Punisher 10" 3+ +2 3+ 1


  • Hull Mounted heavy bolter
  • Punisher rotary cannon
  • Sponson Mounted heavy bolters or Sponson Mounted lascannon
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Hull Mounted heavy bolter 12" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence
Punisher rotary cannon 12" 4 4+ -1 Light AT, Rapid Fire
Sponson Mounted heavy bolters 12" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence
Sponson Mounted lascannon 22" 1 4+ -1 Arc (Front), Anti-tank


A Legion Sicaran Punisher Squadron can purchase any of the following upgrades. It may purchase the same upgrade multiple times, to a maximum Detachment size of 6:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 1 [+50 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+100 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+200 points]

Legion Sicaran Arcus Squadron [115 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 2
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Sicaran Arcus 10" 3+ +2 3+ 1


  • Hull Mounted heavy bolter
  • Arcus missile launcher
  • Sponson Mounted heavy bolters or Sponson Mounted lascannon
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Hull Mounted heavy bolter 12" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence
Arcus missile launcher 16" 2 4+ -2 Anti-tank, Ripple Fire
20" 2 5+ -2 Anti-tank, Skyfire, Tracking
Sponson Mounted heavy bolters 12" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence
Sponson Mounted lascannon 22" 1 4+ -1 Arc (Front), Anti-tank


A Legion Sicaran Arcus Squadron can purchase any of the following upgrades. It may purchase the same upgrade multiple times, to a maximum Detachment size of 6:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 1 [+60 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+110 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+220 points]

Legion Predator Commander [60 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 1
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Predator Commander 9" 3+ +3 2+ 1


  • Predator cannon or Predator lascannon
  • Sponson Mounted heavy bolters or Sponson Mounted lascannon
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Predator cannon 18" 2 5+ -1 Light AT
Predator lascannon 22" 1 4+ -1 Accurate, Anti-tank
Sponson Mounted heavy bolters 12" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence
Sponson Mounted lascannon 22" 1 4+ -1 Arc (Front), Anti-tank

Special Rules

Commander, Inspire (8"), Invulnerable Save (6+), Master Tactician

Legion Sicaran Commander [70 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 1
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Sicaran Commander 10" 3+ +3 2+ 1


  • Hull Mounted heavy bolter
  • Twin-linked accelerator autocannon or Omega plasma array or Punisher rotary cannon
  • Sponson Mounted heavy bolters or Sponson Mounted lascannon
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Omega plasma array 12" 1 4+ -2 Accurate
Punisher rotary cannon 12" 4 4+ -1 Light AT, Rapid Fire
Twin-linked accelerator autocannon 16" 3 5+ -1 Tracking
Hull Mounted heavy bolter 12" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence
Sponson Mounted heavy bolters 12" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence
Sponson Mounted lascannon 22" 1 4+ -1 Arc (Front), Anti-tank

Special Rules

Commander, Inspire (8"), Invulnerable Save (6+), Master Tactician


Legion Kratos Squadron [150 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 2
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Legion Kratos 8" 2+ +3 3+ 2


  • Kratos battlecannon with co-axial autocannon or melta blastgun with co-axial autocannon
  • Two Hull Mounted heavy bolters or two Kratos lascannon or two Kratos autocannon
  • Sponson Mounted heavy bolters or Sponson Mounted lascannon
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Kratos battlecannon 20" 2 4+ -1
10" 1 4+ -4 Anti-tank, Armourbane
Co-axial autocannon 16" 2 5+ -1 Co-axial, Light AT
Melta blastgun 8" 1 4+ -4 Anti-tank, Armourbane, Bunker Buster
Hull Mounted heavy bolters 12" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence
Sponson Mounted heavy bolters 12" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence
Sponson Mounted lascannon 22" 1 4+ -1 Anti-tank, Arc (Front)
Kratos autocannon 16" 2 5+ -1 Accurate, Arc (Front), Light AT
Kratos lascannon 22" 1 4+ -1 Accurate, Arc (Front), Anti-tank


A Legion Kratos Squadron can purchase any of the following upgrades. It may purchase the same upgrade multiple times, to a maximum Detachment size of 6:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 1 [+60 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+110 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+200 points]

Legion Kratos Commander [100 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 1
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Kratos Commander 8" 2+ +4 2+ 2


  • Kratos battlecannon with co-axial autocannon or melta blastgun with co-axial autocannon
  • Two Hull Mounted heavy bolters or two Kratos lascannon or two Kratos autocannon
  • Sponson Mounted heavy bolters or Sponson Mounted lascannon
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Kratos battlecannon 20" 2 4+ -1
10" 1 4+ -4 Anti-tank, Armourbane
Co-axial autocannon 16" 2 5+ -1 Co-axial, Light AT
Melta blastgun 8" 1 4+ -4 Anti-tank, Armourbane, Bunker Buster
Hull Mounted heavy bolters 12" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence
Sponson Mounted heavy bolters 12" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence
Sponson Mounted lascannon 22" 1 4+ -1 Arc (Front), Anti-tank
Kratos autocannon 16" 2 5+ -1 Arc (Front), Accurate, Light AT
Kratos lascannon 22" 1 4+ -1 Arc (Front), Accurate, Anti-tank

Special Rules

Commander, Inspire (8"), Invulnerable Save (6+), Master Tactician


Legion Sabre Squadron [120 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 4
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Sabre 11" 4+ +2 3+ 1


  • Hull Mounted neutron blaster or Hull Mounted Anvilus autocannon
  • Hull Mounted heavy bolter or Hull Mounted multi-melta
  • Sabre missiles
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Anvilus autocannon (Hull Mounted) 16" 3 5+ -1 Arc (Front), Light AT
Neutron blaster (Hull Mounted) 12" 1 4+ -3 Arc (Front), Anti-tank, Shock Pulse
Hull Mounted heavy bolter 12" 2 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence
Hull Mounted multi-melta 6" 1 5+ -3 Arc (Front), Anti-tank
Sabre missiles 12" 1 5+ -1 Arc (Front), Light AT


A Legion Sabre Squadron can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+55 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+110 points]

Special Rules


Legion Xiphon Interceptor Squadron [95 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 1
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Xiphon Interceptor 30" 3+ +0 - 1


  • Xiphon lascannon array
  • Xiphon rotary missile launcher
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Xiphon lascannon array 22" 2 4+ -1 Arc (Front), Accurate, Anti-tank, Skyfire
Xiphon rotary missile launcher 24" 2 4+ -1 Arc (Front), Skyfire, Tracking


A Legion Xiphon Interceptor Squadron can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 1 [+85 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+160 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 3 [+215 points]

Special Rules

Flyer, Interceptor, Jink (5+)

Legion Storm Eagle Squadron [100 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 1
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Storm Eagle 25" 3+ 0 - 1


  • Storm Eagle heavy bolter
  • Vengeance launcher
  • Wing Mounted lascannon
  • Tempest rockets
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Storm Eagle heavy bolter 12" 3 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence, Skyfire
Vengeance launcher 25" 2 4+ -1 Arc (Front), Light AT
Wing Mounted lascannon 22" 2 4+ -1 Anti-tank, Arc (Front), Skyfire


A Legion Storm Eagle Squadron can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 1 [+100 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+190 points]

Special Rules

Assault Transport (5), Flyer, Hover, Jink (5+)

Legion Fire Raptor Squadron [100 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 1
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Fire Raptor 25" 3+ 0 - 1


  • Avenger bolt cannon
  • Tempest rockets
  • Quad heavy bolter batteries, lascannon batteries, or Gravis autocannon batteries
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Avenger bolt cannon 16" 5 5+ -1 Arc (Front), Light AT, Rapid Fire, Skyfire
Tempest rockets 35" 1 2+ -2 Arc (Front), Skyfire
Quad heavy bolter batteries 12" 4 5+ 0 Light, Point Defence, Skyfire
Gravis autocannon batteries 16" 3 5+ -1 Light AT, Skyfire
Lascannon batteries 22" 2 4+ -1 Anti-tank, Skyfire


A Legion Fire Raptor Squadron can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 1 [+100 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+190 points]

Special Rules

Flyer, Hover, Jink (5+)

Legion Thunderhawk Gunship [150 Points]

  • Type: Vehicle (2)
  • Detachment Size: 1
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Thunderhawk Gunship 25" 2+ 0 - 2


  • Turbo-laser destructor
  • Thunderhawk heavy bolters
  • Thunderhawk lascannon
  • Hellstrike missiles
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Turbo-laser destructor 40" 2 4+ -3 Accurate, Arc (Front)
Thunderhawk heavy bolters 12" 3 5+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Point Defence, Skyfire
Thunderhawk lascannon 22" 2 4+ -1 Anti-tank, Arc (Front), Skyfire
Hellstrike missiles 30" 2 4+ -1 Arc (Front), Armourbane


A Legion Thunderhawk Gunship can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 1 [+150 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+280 points]

Special Rules

Flyer, Hover, Jink (5+), Large Assault Transport (8)


Legion Outrider Squadron [30 Points]

  • Type: Cavalry (1)
  • Detachment Size: 2
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Outrider 10" 5+ +2 3+ 1


  • Twin-linked bolters
  • Twin plasma guns
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Twin-linked bolters 8" 1 5+ 0 Assault, Light, Point Defence
Twin plasma guns 10" 1 4+ -1 Light AT


A Legion Outrider Squadron can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+30 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+60 points]

Special Rules

Jink (6+)

Legion Scimitar Jetbike Squadron [35 Points]

  • Type: Cavalry (1)
  • Detachment Size: 3
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Scimitar Jetbike 10" 5+ +2 3+ 1


  • Scimitar heavy bolter
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Scimitar heavy bolter 12" 2 5+ 0 Light, Point Defence


A Legion Scimitar Jetbike Squadron can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 3 [+35 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 6 [+70 points]

Special Rules

Jink (6+), Skimmer

Legion Land Speeder Squadron [30 Points]

  • Type: Cavalry (1)
  • Detachment Size: 2
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Land Speeder 10" 4+ +1 3+ 1


  • Plasma cannon
  • Heavy bolter
  • Multi-melta
  • Nose Mounted heavy flamer
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Multi-melta 6" 1 4+ -3 Anti-tank
Plasma cannon 12" 1 4+ -1 Light AT
Heavy bolter 12" 2 5+ 0 Light, Point Defence
Nose Mounted heavy flamer 6" 1 4+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Ignores Cover


One in every two Land Speeders can exchange its plasma cannon and heavy bolter for a Nose Mounted heavy flamer and a multi-melta for no additional cost.

A Legion Land Speeder Squadron can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+30 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+60 points]

Special Rules

Jink (6+), Skimmer

Legion Javelin Squadron [33 Points]

  • Type: Cavalry (1)
  • Detachment Size: 2
Name Movement Sv CAF Morale W
Javelin 10" 4+ +1 3+ 1


  • Nose Mounted heavy flamer
  • Sponson Mounted lascannon
  • Cyclone missile launcher
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Nose Mounted heavy flamer 6" 1 4+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Ignores Cover
Sponson Mounted lascannon 22" 1 4+ -1 Arc (Front), Anti-tank
Cyclone missile launcher 20" 2 4+ 0 Arc (Front), Light, Ignores Cover


Any Javelin may exchange its Sponson Mounted lascannon for a cyclone missile launcher for [+2 points per model].

A Legion Javelin Squadron can purchase one of the following upgrades:

  • Increase the Detachment size by 2 [+33 points]
  • Increase the Detachment size by 4 [+66 points]

Special Rules

Jink (6+), Skimmer