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Round Sequence

1. Orders Phase

Players issue an Order to each of their Detachments, placing a token face-down next to them or on the Army roster. Once this is done, players reveal all Orders.

2. Initiative Phase

Players roll off, with the winner gaining Initiative for this round; in the first round, ties are re-rolled, while from the second round onwards, ties see Initiative go to the player who did not have Initiative last round.

3. Movement Phase

Players alternate activating and moving a Detachment, according to the Order issued to the Detachment.

4. Combat Phase

The Combat phase is broken down into three stages:

  • First Fire Stage - Players alternate activating a Detachment with the First Fire Order and Firing with them, starting with the player with Initiative.

  • Engagement Stage - Engaged Detachments fight any Combats.

  • Advancing Fire Stage - Players alternate activating a Detachment with the Advance Order and Firing with them.

5. End Phase

All end of round effects are resolved, Flyers are removed from the table and Victory Points are calculated.


When a Detachment is Firing, use the following sequence:

Choose Targets

The controlling player nominates a target for the Detachment. Unless otherwise instructed, all models within a Detachment must fire at the same target.

Make Hit rolls

Roll a number of D6 equal to the Dice value of the firing weapon; where multiple models are firing the same weapon, calculate the number of Dice to be rolled by multiplying the Dice value of the weapon by the number of models firing that weapon.

Resolve Hits

Each Hit scored is allocated one at a time to a model in the target Detachment by its controlling player. A Save roll is made for each Hit and a Wound suffered for each failed Save roll. Any model that is reduced to 0 Wounds is destroyed and removed from the battlefield.


First Fire Orders

May fire in the First Fire stage of the Combat phase. Can call Overwatch. Cannot move in the Movement phase.

Advance Orders

May move up to a number of inches equal to the model's Movement characteristic in the Movement phase and may fire in the Advancing Fire stage of the Combat phase. Can call Overwatch.

March Orders

May move up to a number of inches equal to twice a model's Movement characteristic in the Movement phase, or equal to three times for Infantry. Cannot fire during the round.

Charge Orders

May move as if issued the Advance Order or Charge, moving up to twice the model's Movement characteristic so long as at least one model in the Detachment ends in base to base contact with an enemy model. Models issued with a Charge Order add 1 to any Fight roll. Cannot fire during the round.

Fall Back Orders

Replaces other Orders. Cannot be activated until the End phase, where the Detachment flees.


An Overwatch can be called in the Movement phase during an enemy Detachment's activation. The following criteria must be met:

  • The Detachment calling Overwatch is issued with an Advance Order or First Fire Order.

  • The activating enemy Detachment is an eligible target for the firing Detachment.

  • No other Detachment has called Overwatch during the same enemy Detachment's activation.

The Overwatching Detachment subtracts 2 from all Hit rolls made as part of an Overwatch. The Overwatching Detachment then removes the Order they are issued with.


To resolve a Combat, use the following sequence:

Pair Off Fights

Models are paired off against one another into Fights with enemy models they are in base to base contact with. Where a model is in base to base contact with multiple enemy models, models are paired into one-to-one Fights where possible.

Resolve Fights

The player with Initiative chooses a Fight to resolve. Each player makes a Fight roll - rolling 2D6 plus the CAF of the model - with the highest roll winning the Fight. The model that loses suffers a Wound. This continues until all Fights within a Combat are resolved.

If a model is paired off against multiple enemy models, each Fight is fought individually. For each Fight a model participates in beyond the first each round, the opposing player rolls an additional D6 for their model's Fight roll, to a maximum of 6D6.

Determine Combat Result

Determine which side in the Combat won the most Fights and thus won the Combat. All Detachments on the losing side that are involved in the Combat must make a Morale check; Broken Detachments roll two D6 and choose the lowest result. If the Check is failed, the Detachment Withdraws.


The controlling player rolls a D6 for each of their Detachments that is Withdrawing. Each model in the Detachment moves a number of inches equal to D6 + its Movement characteristic, following the rules for a Withdrawal move on page 62 of the rulebook.


A Titan must move in a straight line and cannot change its facing when doing so. At any point during its movement a Titan may turn up to 90°, pivoting on the spot around its central point.

Each Titan, unless otherwise instructed, can make one turn per round. A Titan may move in its Rear Arc, counting as having moved 2" for every 1" moved.

Titans may choose different targets for each of their weapons, and may split the Dice value of their weapons across different Detachments. All targets must be within 4" of the first target chosen. All targets must be declared before any Dice are rolled.

Destroying Structures

A Titan may attempt to destroy a Structure it is in base contact with when activated in the First Fire or Advancing Fire stage of the Combat phase. The opposing player makes a Save roll for the Structure, with an AP of D6-1 (to a minimum of 1) applied to the Save roll. If the Save roll is failed, the Structure suffers D3 Wounds, plus 1 if the Titan has a starting Wounds characteristic of 5 or plus 2 if the Titan has a starting Wounds characteristic of 7 or more.

Destroying a Titan

When a Titan with fewer than 6 starting Wounds is destroyed, roll a D6 for each model within 3" of it; on a 4+, that model's Detachment suffers a Hit with an AP value of -1.

When a Titan with 6 or more starting Wounds is destroyed, roll a D6 for each model within 5" of it; on a 4+, that model's Detachment suffers a Hit with an AP value of -2.


Flyers are placed in Reserve at the start of the battle, where they can only be issued with an Advance Order or a March Order. Flyers are ignored for the purposes of calculating who controls an Objective, do not have an Engagement Zone, cannot be Engaged and/or Pinned and do not block line of sight.


When activated during the Movement phase, the controlling player places the Flyer so the rear of its base is touching a point on the controlling player's board edge or touching any board edge at a point within 8" of the controlling player's board edge. The Flyer then moves and can only move in a straight line. A Flyer can make a single turn of up to 90° during its movement. Flyers can move over any model or area of terrain during their movement. A Flyer can end its movement overlapping Impassable terrain.


Flyers are considered to have line of sight to all models on the battlefield unless instructed otherwise, and all Detachments are considered to have line of sight to a Flyer. A Flyer suffers no penalties to Hit rolls for targeting obscured models, though they do suffer penalties for firing upon Detachments within an area of terrain as normal.

Models firing at a Flyer can only Hit on a natural roll of a 6, regardless of modifiers. Flyers are ignored when calculating Hits for weapons using a template, such as the Flamer or Blast template. Certain rules, such as the Skyfire trait, override these restrictions.

Flyers in the End Phase

In the Remove Flyers stage of the End phase, all Flyers on the battlefield are removed and placed back in Reserve - they do not count as being destroyed, do not regain any lost Wounds and may return to the battlefield in the following round.