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Weapon Traits

Many weapons have one or more Traits - these are additional special rules that apply to that weapon, giving it bonuses and/or penalties in specific situations. Traits influence how the weapon acts on the battlefield. The exact Traits a weapon has can be found on the relevant datasheet. Weapons with a specific Trait can be referred to in one of two ways: 'Weapons with the [Trait name] trait' and '[Trait name] weapons'.

Designer's Note: Weapon Traits and AP:

Some weapon Traits, such as Anti-tank (AT) or Light AT, modify the AP of the weapon based on the model being targeted. For example, a lascannon has an AP of -1 which becomes an AP of 0 when it targets Infantry models.

This is to reflect the destructive potential of a weapon against different types of Detachments rather than commenting on the weapon's power. For example, a single lascannon can easily destroy a single Rhino but would have difficulty eradicating a group of five Space Marines in one burst; the modification of the AP is done to reflect this. It also reflects a commander's need to field different weapons for different foes - there is no one single tool that solves all of your problems.

Unless instructed otherwise, the change of AP to 0 is done after all modifications to the AP characteristic, so even if a rule improves the AP (e.g., from -1 to -2), it would still then be set to 0. Where there are exceptions to this, such as when firing at a Vehicle while in its Rear Arc, these will be noted in the relevant rule.


When firing a weapon with the Accurate trait, the controlling player may re-roll any failed Hit rolls.

Arc (Front/Rear)

A weapon with the Arc (Front/Rear) trait may only target Detachments that are within the specified Arc, shown in brackets, of the firing model.


Any successful Save rolls made for a Vehicle, Super-heavy Vehicle, Knight or Titan model using its Armour Save characteristic against a Hit scored by a weapon with the Armourbane trait must be re-rolled.


Hits scored by a weapon with the Anti-tank trait against an Infantry or Cavalry model treat their AP as 0, regardless of the weapon's base AP value.


When firing a weapon with the Assault trait, a model doubles its Dice value if it is within a number of inches equal to half the weapon's Range of at least one model from the target Detachment.


When firing a weapon with the Barrage trait, a model may target Detachments that it does not have line of sight to, so long as the target Detachment is in range and meets all other criteria for a valid target. Models firing against targets they cannot draw line of sight to suffer a -1 penalty to all Hit rolls.

Hits caused by a Barrage weapon fired in this way can be allocated to any model in the target Detachment that is within range of the firing model. If some models from a Detachment are visible and some are not, the controlling player can choose to only target the visible models - if they do so, they do not suffer a -1 penalty but any Hits scored cannot be allocated to models outside of the firing model's line of sight.

If a Barrage weapon targets a Detachment that is Garrisoned within a Structure then all Detachments Garrisoned within it are targeted. Make Hit rolls against each Detachment Garrisoned within the Structure, equal to half the Dice value of the weapon (rounded up) - this reduction in Dice happens even if only one Detachment is Garrisoned within.

Barrage weapons cannot be fired as part of an Overwatch.


When firing with a weapon with the Beam trait, the controlling player draws an imaginary straight line 1mm wide from the weapon, or the firing model if the weapon is not physically represented, up to its maximum range; if the weapon has an Arc, the end of the line must be within the specified Arc of the firing model. Make Hit rolls for each Detachment (friend or foe) that has at least one model under that line equal to the Dice value of the weapon - models with the Flyer special rule are ignored and not hit. Any model from each Detachment you make Hit rolls for that is within range of the firing model and within the correct Arc (if applicable) can be allocated scored Hits.

If the line would pass over an area of Impassable terrain or a Structure then the line 'stops' as soon as it hits them - any Detachment further out does not suffer Hits, though Detachments Garrisoned in the Structure do.

Beam weapons cannot be fired as part of an Overwatch. As a weapon with the Beam trait does not choose a dedicated target, the Detachment may pick any eligible target to fire on, including a target that is not hit by the Beam.

Blast (3"/5")

Before making Hit rolls when firing with a weapon with the Blast trait, the controlling player places the 3" or 5" Blast template (determined by the number shown in brackets) so that its central hole is over a point on the battlefield that is visible and within range of the firing model. Then, Scatter the template - a 3" template moves D3+1", while a 5" template moves D6+1". If a Hit is rolled, leave the template where it is.

Once the template is Scattered, make Hit rolls for each Detachment that has one or more models under the Blast template; the number of Hit rolls made for each Detachment is equal to the number of models fully under the template multiplied by the Dice value of the weapon. In addition, roll a D6 for each model partially covered by the template - on a 4+, the model is counted as under the template for the purpose of calculating Hit rolls and allocating Hits, while on a 1-3 the model is ignored for such purposes. Hits scored by a weapon with the Blast trait can only be allocated to models underneath the template.

If a weapon has the Blast (3"/5") trait and the Skyfire trait, the template only hits models with the Flyer special rule, while if it does not have the Skyfire trait then Flyers are ignored and cannot be hit. If a Structure is under the template, then it counts as being under the template regardless of how much of it is covered. If one or more Detachments are in the Structure, and the central hole of the template is completely over the Structure, treat each model in those Detachments as partially under the template (and thus roll a D6 for each one). If the hole is not completely over the Structure, then models Garrisoned within the Structure are ignored.

If a Detachment is firing other weapons, then the Blast template must be placed so that at least one model from a Detachment chosen as a target by the other weapons is under the template. If a Detachment contains multiple models with weapons with the Blast trait, then place a single template first and scatter it; any additional templates must be placed so the central hole is within 2" of the first Blast template.

Weapons with the Blast (3"/5") trait cannot be fired as part of an Overwatch.

Bombing Run

Weapons with the Bombing Run trait do not fire as normal. Instead, at any point during a model's move it may pause its movement to attack with any weapons it has that have the Bombing Run trait, following the normal firing sequence. A model firing a weapon with the Bombing Run trait can only target a Detachment or Structure within 3" of it. Each of a model's Bombing Run weapons can only be fired once per round. Models with the Flyer special rule cannot be chosen as targets by a weapon with the Bombing Run trait.

When firing a weapon with the Bombing Run trait, Hits are resolved as normal and can only be allocated against models within 3" of the firing model. If a Bombing Run weapon targets a Detachment that is Garrisoned within a Structure, or targets the Structure itself, then both the Structure and all Detachments within it are targeted. Make Hit rolls against the Structure equal to the Dice value of the weapon and make Hit rolls for each Detachment Garrisoned within the Structure equal to half the Dice value of the weapon (rounded up). Resolve firing against the Structure first. If a Structure is destroyed in this way, firing is resolved against any surviving Detachments after it collapses.

Once the model has resolved firing its weapons with the Bombing Run trait, it continues moving. A model with multiple weapons with the Bombing Run trait may pause its movement as many times as it wishes to in order to fire a weapon with this Trait that it has yet to fire with, so long as it declares all weapons that are firing each time it does so before rolling the dice. A weapon with the Bombing Run trait cannot be fired in the Combat phase - if not fired in the Movement phase, it cannot be fired that round.

A weapon with the Bombing Run trait can damage Structures.

Bunker Buster

Hits scored against a Structure by a weapon with the Bunker Buster trait count their AP as double its normal value, e.g., an AP of -3 would become -6.

Weapons with the Bunker Buster trait can damage Structures.

Bypassing Void Shields and Saves

Some rules, such as the Burrowing weapon trait, refer to Hits bypassing Void Shields. If a rule states this it means that any Hits scored by that weapon against a model with active Void Shields are allocated to the model as if it had a Void Shield level of 0. The Void Shields themselves are not hit and thus their level is not reduced, but neither do they prevent damage to the target.

Other rules might state they bypass one or more kinds of Saves, such as Invulnerable Saves or Ion Shields. If this is the case then the mentioned Save characteristics cannot be used when making Save rolls against Hits scored by that weapon.

For example, if a weapon Trait states 'any Hits scored bypass Cover Saves' then a Cover Save characteristic cannot be used against Hits scored by that weapon.

Any Save characteristic not mentioned can be used as normal.


Hits scored by a weapon with the Burrowing trait always count as if the firing Detachment is in the target's Rear Arc, i.e., the Trait increases the AP of the weapon by 1 when targeting a Vehicle, Super- heavy Vehicle, etc. In addition, any Hits scored bypass Void Shields.


Hits scored by a weapon with the Bypass trait bypass Void Shields.


Some weapons are directly attached to another weapon and will be listed on the Detachment's datasheet as Co-axial. Weapons with this Trait can only target the same Detachment as the weapon it is Co-axial to, even if a special rule allows a model to fire different weapons at different targets.

For example, a Baneblade's weapons include a Baneblade cannon with co-axial autocannon, and the latter has the Co-axial trait. As such, the co-axial autocannon can only target the same Detachment as the Baneblade cannon.

Collapsing Singularity

After choosing a target with a weapon with this Trait, but before firing, the controlling player must roll a D6. On a 1, the firing model suffers a Wound with no Save rolls of any kind allowed and, if it has not been destroyed, then fires as normal. On a 6, until the end of the firing sequence, Hits scored by the weapon bypass Ion Shields, Invulnerable Saves and Void Shields.


Each unsaved Wound caused by a weapon with the Deflagrate trait generates an additional Hit against the same Detachment. A To Hit roll is made for each additional Hit generated; resolve these Hits after removing any destroyed models.

These additional Hits can only be allocated to models within the target Detachment that are within range and line of sight of at least one firing model. Any Wounds caused by these additional Hits cannot generate more Hits themselves.


A weapon with the Demolisher trait can damage Structures.

Engine Killer (X)

When a Vehicle, Super-heavy Vehicle, Knight or Titan suffers a Wound caused by a weapon with the Engine Killer (X) trait, they suffer a number of additional Wounds equal to the number shown in brackets No Save rolls of any kind can be made against these additional Wounds. Note, only the model that suffered the first Wound suffers the additional Wounds; if this Wound causes the model to be destroyed, the additional Wounds cannot be assigned to another model within the Detachment.

If a weapon has the Engine Killer (X) trait and the Rend trait, enemy Vehicles, Super-heavy Vehicles, Knights and Titans suffer a number of additional Wounds equal to the number shown in brackets if they lose a Fight against the model that has that weapon.


When firing a weapon with the Firestorm trait, place the Flame template (denoted as T in the weapon profile's range) so the narrow end is touching the weapon, or the firing model if the weapon is not physically represented. Make Hit rolls for each Detachment that has one or more models that are under the Flame template equal to the number of models from that Detachment that are at least 50% under the Flame template. Roll a D6 for each model that is less than 50% covered by the template - on a 4+, the model is counted for the purpose of calculating Hit rolls and allocating Hits. On a 1-3, the model is ignored for such purposes. If a weapon has the Firestorm trait and the Skyfire trait, the template only hits models with the Flyer special rule, while if it does not have the Skyfire trait then Flyers are ignored and cannot be hit.

Hits scored by a weapon with the Firestorm trait can only be allocated to models underneath the template. A model firing a weapon with the Firestorm trait suffers no penalty to its Hit rolls for targeting a Detachment within an area of terrain. In addition, Hits scored bypass Cover Saves.

Firestorm weapons cannot be fired as part of an Overwatch. As a weapon with the Firestorm trait does not choose a dedicated target, the Detachment may pick any eligible target to fire on with other weapons, including a target that is not hit by the Firestorm weapon.

Graviton Pulse

When firing a weapon with the Graviton Pulse trait, the To Hit value of the weapon is equal to the Armour Save characteristic of the target Detachment. If the Detachment has models with different Armour Save characteristics, then use the characteristic shared by the majority of the models; if there is an equal number of models with different characteristics, use the worse value. A model with an Armour Save characteristic of '-' can only be Hit on a natural roll of a 6. The weapon's AP is applied when Hits are scored, not when making Hit rolls (meaning the base characteristic is used for Hit rolls).

If a weapon with the Graviton Pulse trait also has a Trait that allows it to damage Structures then it hits Structures on a 3+, regardless of its Save characteristic and ignores any modifiers to the Hit rolls. Make a Save roll for each Hit scored against a Structure by a weapon with the Graviton Pulse trait; for each Save roll that is passed, the Structure suffers D3+1 Wounds. The Structure suffers no Wounds if the Save roll is failed.

Graviton Pulse weapons cannot be fired as part of an Overwatch. Furthermore, this Trait has no effect when firing at a model with the Flyer special rule unless the weapon also has the Skyfire trait - if it does not, Hits are scored only on a natural roll of a 6 as normal.

Heavy Barrage

Weapons with the Heavy Barrage trait follow all the rules for Barrage weapons. In addition, weapons with the Heavy Barrage trait can damage Structures. If targeting a Structure with one or more Detachments Garrisoned inside it, the controlling player makes Hit rolls against the Structure equal to the Dice value of the weapon and makes Hit rolls against each Detachment Garrisoned within the Structure equal to half the Dice value of the weapon (rounded up). Resolve firing against the Structure first. If a Structure is destroyed in this way, firing is resolved against surviving Detachments after it collapses.

Heavy Beam

Weapons with the Heavy Beam trait follow all the rules for Beam weapons, with the exception that the line is not stopped by Structures, and Detachments behind the Structure can be hit by the weapon. The line of a Heavy Beam is still stopped by Impassable terrain.

Weapons with the Heavy Beam trait can damage Structures - any Structure the line passes over suffers Hits as if it were another Detachment, in addition to any Detachments within the Structure.

Ignores Cover

When firing a weapon with the Ignores Cover trait, a model suffers no penalties to its Hit rolls for targeting a Detachment within an area of terrain. In addition, Hits scored bypass Cover Saves.


If a weapon with the Impale trait scores a Hit against a Detachment of Scale 3 or more, the firing player nominates which model in the Detachment the Hit is allocated to, following all other normal rules for allocating Hits. Hits scored by a weapon with the Impale trait bypass Void Shields.

In addition, instead of making a Save roll, both players instead roll a D6 and add the Scale of their model to the result. A model with 3 or more Wounds remaining adds an additional 1 to the result, a model with 5 or more Wounds remaining adds 2 to the result instead.

If the result of the firing player's roll is higher than the target player's, the target model suffers a number of Wounds equal to the difference in results. No Save rolls of any kind can be made against these Wounds.


Hits scored by a weapon with the Light trait against a Vehicle, Super-heavy Vehicle, Knight or Titan model are automatically discarded, before any Save rolls are made. In other words, a weapon with this Trait cannot damage models from the listed Detachment types.

In addition, Hits scored by a weapon with this Trait cannot be allocated to Void Shields, regardless of the weapon's AP, and thus are automatically discarded if a target has active Void Shields (see page 97 for more details).

Light AT

Hits scored by a weapon with the Light AT trait against a Vehicle, Super-heavy Vehicle, Knight or Titan model treat their AP as 0, regardless of the weapon's base AP value. This can prevent Hits from a weapon with the Light AT trait from being allocated to Void Shields.

Limited (X)

Some weapons can only carry a limited amount of ammunition into battle or are difficult to resupply on the move. A weapon with the Limited trait can only be fired a number of times equal to the number shown in brackets; each time the weapon is fired, decrease that number by 1. When the number reaches 0, the weapon cannot be fired again for the remainder of the battle.


Any Hits scored by a weapon with the Neutron-flux trait against a model with the Cybernetica Cortex special rule count as having the Armourbane and Shred traits.

Point Defence

A weapon with the Point Defence trait represents a weapon system tailored towards defensive fire, be that heavy bolter sponsons on a Vehicle or the Ardex weapons of some Titans.

Models with at least one weapon with the Point Defence trait may choose to fire on its Detachment's target or a Secondary Target; a Secondary Target is an eligible target (i.e., within range and line of sight of the firing model) different from the first chosen target. All Point Defence weapons in a Detachment must fire at the same target, unless another rule overrides this.

A Detachment which contains one or more models with weapons with the Point Defence trait may fire those weapons during the Movement phase, if issued with an Advance or March Order, or the Combat phase. During the Movement phase, a Detachment may fire its Point Defence weapons immediately after it is activated or at the end of its activation; all Point Defence weapons must fire at the same target unless otherwise specified; if fired at the start of its activation, the firing is resolved and then the Detachment completes its activation as normal. A Detachment can only fire its Point Defence weapons once per round - if it fires one or more of its Point Defence weapons in the Movement phase, it cannot fire any Point Defence weapons in the Combat phase.

If fired during the Combat phase, a weapon with the Point Defence trait is fired like any other weapon. Models with Point Defence weapons may fire them at a different target from the Detachment's main target.

Point Defence weapons can be fired as part of an Overwatch attack. When fired as part of an Overwatch attack, Point Defence weapons ignore the -2 penalty to Hit rolls and instead fire as normal (i.e., use the To Hit value of the weapon then apply any positive or negative modifiers).

Power Capacitor

When a model issued with the First Fire Order fires a weapon with the Power Capacitor trait, double the Dice value of that weapon.


Hits scored by a weapon with the Precise trait are allocated by the firing player, not the player who controls the target Detachment. All other rules for allocating Hits still apply (i.e., the firing model must be able to see a model allocated a Hit, wounded models are allocated Hits first, etc.).


Hits scored by a weapon with the Psi trait bypass Invulnerable Saves, Cover Saves, Ion Shields and Void Shields. Each model may only fire with a single weapon with the Psi trait per round. Psi weapons cannot be fired as part of an Overwatch.


If one or more Hits are scored against a Detachment by a weapon with the Quake trait, halve the Movement characteristic of all models within that Detachment. In addition, subtract 1 from the result of any Hit rolls the Detachment makes; both effects last until the end of the round. This Trait is ignored if all Hits scored by a weapon with this Trait are allocated to a target's Void Shields.

Rapid Fire

When making Hit rolls for a weapon with the Rapid Fire trait, any natural rolls of a 6 score 2 Hits instead of 1.


If Engaged with a Detachment, a model with a weapon with the Reach trait can choose to Fight other models within 2" of it that are not already paired off against another model, have not fought this round and are in the same Combat. The controlling player decides which model(s) it fights and can do this one at a time after resolving a Fight.

If both players have models with weapons with the Reach trait, the player with Initiative resolves any additional Fights first.


For each weapon with the Rend trait that a model has, that model rolls an additional D6 when making Fight rolls. Regardless of the number of Rend weapons a model has, it still cannot roll more than the maximum 6D6 when making a Fight roll.

Ripple Fire

A model firing a weapon with the Ripple Fire trait can re-roll Hit rolls of 1 for that weapon if it is issued with a First Fire Order.

Saturation Fire

When a model fires with a weapon with the Saturation Fire trait, it targets every visible Detachment (friend or foe) that is within range of the firing model.

Each Detachment is fired upon by the weapon - roll to Hit for each Detachment separately; if the Dice value of the weapon is random (e.g., D3+3), roll once and use that value for all targeted Detachments.

If a weapon with the Saturation Fire trait also has the Arc (X) trait, then only resolve attacks against Detachments in the specified Arc.


Hits caused by a weapon with the Shieldbane trait can be allocated to Void Shields, even if they normally could not be (e.g., because the weapon's AP is 0 or worse).

Shock Pulse

Any Vehicle, Super-heavy Vehicle, Knight or Titan that suffers one or more Hits from a weapon with the Shock Pulse trait reduces its Movement by half for the remainder of the round and can fire with a maximum of one weapon this round; if the target has already fired this round, then it cannot fire again.

In addition, each Hit scored by a weapon with Shock Pulse that is allocated to a Void Shield decreases the Void Shield level by 2 instead of 1.


Any successful Save rolls made by an Infantry, Walker or Cavalry model using its Armour Save characteristic against a Hit scored by a weapon with the Shred trait must be re-rolled.

Siege Weapon

A weapon with the Siege Weapon trait doubles its range when firing if the model with that weapon has not moved yet this round (voluntarily or involuntarily).


A weapon with the Skyfire trait can target Flyers as normal instead of requiring a natural 6 to hit. In addition, when a model fires a weapon with the Skyfire trait as part of an Overwatch, subtract 1 from the result of the Hit rolls rather than 2.

Models with at least one weapon with the Skyfire trait may choose to fire on its Detachment's target or a Secondary Target; a Secondary Target is an eligible target (i.e., within range and line of sight of the firing model) different from the first chosen target. The Secondary Target must be a model with the Flyer special rule. All firing Skyfire weapons must target the same Flyer Detachment, unless another rule overrides this.


A model firing a weapon with the Tracking trait at a Flyer can re-roll failed Hit rolls.


When making an attack with a weapon with the Warp trait, roll a number of Dice equal to the number of models in the target Detachment which are visible to the firing model and within range; Titans cannot split these dice across multiple Detachments. If targeting a Knight or Titan, then the Dice value of the weapon is 1. Roll To Hit as normal.

In addition, Hits scored by a weapon with the Warp trait bypass the following: Armour Saves, Cover Saves, Invulnerable Saves, Ion Shields, Void Shields.

Wrecker (X)

A model with a weapon with the Wrecker trait may attempt to destroy a Structure when activated in the First Fire stage or Advancing Fire stage. Choose a

Structure the model is in base contact with - the opposing player makes a Save roll for that Structure, taking into account the AP characteristic of the weapon. If the Save roll is failed, the Structure suffers a number of Wounds equal to the value shown in brackets.

If a model has more than one Wrecker (X) weapon, then it may attempt to destroy a number of Structures equal to the number of Wrecker weapons it has. Alternatively, a model may attempt to destroy a single Structure with all its Wrecker weapons, in which case the combined total of the weapons' AP is taken into account when making a Save roll for the Structure and the Structure suffers a number of Wounds equal to the combined total of the Wrecker values for all weapons the model is using against that Structure.