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Special Rules

Special rules represent certain skills, abilities and the natural aptitude of Detachments within the Horus Heresy, with each one giving a Detachment advantages and/or disadvantages on the battlefield. The special rules that apply to each Detachment can be found on the relevant datasheet - if a Detachment consists of models with different special rules, those rules apply only to the respective models, unless instructed otherwise.


A Titan with the Agile special rule can turn up to 2 times during its movement, instead of the usual 1.


Hits scored by a weapon with the Light trait against a model with the Armoured special rule count their AP as 0. In addition, a model with the Armoured special rule may re-roll failed Save rolls made against Hits scored by a weapon with the Light trait.

Attached Deployment

Models with the Attached Deployment special rule are not deployed as normal nor do they act independently on the battlefield. Instead, when deploying a Detachment during deployment, a player may assign one or more models with this special rule to that Detachment, so long as the two are the same Detachment type. For the remainder of the battle, the model counts as a part of the Detachment it is attached to and cannot leave it for any reason.

If, for whatever reason, a model with the Attached Deployment special rule cannot be assigned to a friendly Detachment during deployment (e.g., due to no Detachment of the same type in the same Formation) then it cannot be deployed and counts as destroyed.

Auger Array

When a model fires a weapon with the Barrage or Heavy Barrage trait against a target outside of its line of sight, it does not suffer a -1 penalty to its Hit rolls if a friendly model with this special rule can see at least half of the models from the target Detachment.

Automated Sentry

Detachments with this special rule are ignored for the purposes of calculating a Formation's Break Point.

Automated Sentry Detachments are not issued with an Order. Instead, when a Detachment with the Automated Sentry special rule is activated during the Movement phase it may fire. If there are no viable targets, then it is activated and may fire in the Advancing Fire phase of the Combat phase instead.

When firing with a model with the Automated Sentry special rule, the controlling player does not choose targets in the normal manner. Instead, it fires any weapons with the Anti-tank trait at the closest eligible enemy Detachment containing Walkers, Vehicles, Super-heavy Vehicles, Knights or Titans and any weapon with the Light trait at the closest eligible enemy Infantry or Cavalry Detachment. If a weapon has the Skyfire trait, the controlling player may choose to target the nearest Detachment with the Flyer special rule instead. An Automated Sentry model fires any other weapons at the closest eligible enemy Detachment.

Automated Sentry Detachments can fire when Engaged & Pinned. When selecting targets, they ignore any Detachment which is Engaged & Pinned, including any Detachment they are Engaged & Pinned with.


If a friendly Walker, Vehicle or Super-heavy Vehicle, or a model with the Automata or Automated Sentry special rule, within 3" of a model with this rule suffers a Wound due to a special rule or one that is inflicted by a weapon with an AP of -2 or worse, roll a D6. On a 5+, that Wound is ignored and has no effect. Battlesmith cannot be used against Wounds suffered in a Fight.

Blessed Auto-simulacra

During the Resolve End Phase Effects stage of the End phase, roll a D6 for each Wound a model with the Blessed Auto-simulacra special rule has lost. On a 5+, the model regains a Wound.


Models with the Bulky special rule cannot Embark on a Transport unless the specific Transport type allows it (see the Transport (X) rule on page 96 for more details). In addition, models with the Bulky special rule count as two models for the purposes of determining how many models a Transport can carry.


Detachments with the Commander special rule are the commanders of your Army.

When deploying a Formation that includes any models with this special rule during deployment, a player must assign all models with this special rule to a Detachment in that Formation, so long as the two are of the same Detachment type. For the remainder of the battle, the model counts as a part of the Detachment it is attached to and cannot leave it for any reason.

A Detachment can only ever have one model with the Commander special rule attached to it at any given time.

If, for whatever reason, a model with the Commander special rule cannot be assigned to a friendly Detachment during deployment (e.g., due to there being no Detachment of the same type in the same Formation) then it acts as its own Detachment on the battlefield.


Models with the Compact special rule may Embark upon Transports as if they were an Infantry model with the Bulky special rule (i.e., they count as two models when determining how many models can be Embarked).

Deep Strike

During deployment, if all models within a Detachment have the Deep Strike special rule, then the Detachment can be placed in Reserve instead of being deployed as normal (see page 102). Detachments with the Deep Strike special rule in Reserve can only be issued the Advance Order or March Order.

When a Detachment with the Deep Strike special rule that is in Reserve is activated in any Movement phase other than the first, the controlling player may choose to leave it in Reserve or Deep Strike the Detachment. When a Detachment Deep Strikes, the controlling player places a single model from that Detachment anywhere on the battlefield at least 2" from an enemy model. They then Scatter that model D6". If the model scatters into an area of Impassable terrain or a Structure then that model, and the model's Detachment, is destroyed. If it scatters within 1" of an enemy model, it must be moved the shortest possible distance so it is no longer within 1" of an enemy model.

Once scattered, any remaining models within the same Detachment are placed on the battlefield within 2" of the already placed model. A model cannot be placed in an area of Impassable terrain or overlapping a Structure, nor can it be placed within 1" of any enemy model. Any model that cannot be placed in this manner is destroyed. Once a Detachment has Deep Striked, it may complete its activation as normal (i.e., it may move during the Movement phase and/or fire during the Combat phase, etc.).

Some Detachments have both the Deep Strike and Transport (X) special rule. If another Detachment is loaded into the Transport model during deployment, that Detachment is kept in Reserve alongside the Transport model. When the Transport model is set up via Deep Strike, the Embarked model then immediately Disembarks (see the Transport (X) special rule for information on Disembarking) and can then be activated as normal later in the phase.

Dread Aura (X)

Detachments within a number of inches equal to the value shown in brackets of one or more models with the Dread Aura special rule subtract 1 from the result of any Morale check they make. Models with this special rule are unaffected by another model with Dread Aura. Dread Aura affects friendly and enemy Detachments.

Drop Pod

Drop Pods are transports designed to deliver troops from orbit directly into the heart of the enemy line. A model with the Drop Pod special rule can and must Deep Strike, as described in the Deep Strike special rule. Models with the Drop Pod special rule can Deep Strike from the first round of the battle onwards, instead of the second.

Once deployed on the battlefield, models with the Drop Pod special rule do not need to maintain Detachment Coherency with other models in the Detachment, nor do models within the same Detachment need to maintain Coherency with Drop Pod models. In addition, Drop Pod models are ignored for the purposes of calculating a Formation's Break Point.

For example, a Formation with 24 models and 6 Drop Pod models would have a Break Point of 12, not 15.

Many Detachments with the Drop Pod special rule also have the Transport (X) special rule. If another Detachment is loaded into the Transport Detachment during deployment, that Detachment is kept in Reserve alongside the Transport. When the Transport Detachment is set up via Deep Strike, the transported Detachment then immediately Disembarks (see the Transport (X) special rule for information on Disembarking) and can then be activated as normal later in the phase.

Explorator Adaptation

Models with the Explorator Adaptation special rule gain a 6+ Invulnerable Save against Hits scored by a weapon with the Barrage or Blast trait.

Feel No Pain

If a model with this special rule suffers a Wound from a weapon with the Light trait, roll a D6 after any save rolls are made. On a 5+, the Wound is ignored and has no effect; this triggers before rules such as Deflagrate, meaning extra Hits would not be generated. Feel No Pain cannot be used against Wounds caused in Fights.


Models with the Flyer special rule operate differently to other Detachments on the battlefield and are subject to the unique set of rules described below.

Unless instructed otherwise, Flyers are not deployed on the battlefield at the start of the battle and are instead placed in Reserve. Unless instructed otherwise, a model with the Flyer special rule that is in Reserve can only be issued with an Advance Order or a March Order. Any weapons with the Point Defence trait that the Flyer has count as having the Skyfire trait when firing upon an enemy model with the Flyer special rule.

When activated during the Movement phase, the controlling player places the Flyer so the rear of its base is touching a point on the controlling player's board edge or touching any board edge at a point within 8" of the controlling player's board edge. The Flyer then moves and can only move in a straight line. A Flyer can make a single turn of up to 90° during its movement. Flyers can move over any model or area of terrain during their movement. A Flyer can end its movement overlapping Impassable terrain.

Flyers fire as normal during the Combat phase. Due to their altitude, a Flyer is considered to have line of sight to all models on the battlefield, unless instructed otherwise. Similarly, all Detachments are considered to have line of sight to a Flyer. A Flyer suffers no penalties to Hit rolls for targeting obscured models, though they do suffer penalties for firing upon Detachments within an area of terrain as normal.

In the Remove Flyers stage of the End phase, all Flyers on the battlefield are removed and placed back in Reserve - they do not count as being destroyed and may return to the battlefield in the following round. Any Wounds a Flyer has suffered remain; for example, if it leaves the battlefield having suffered 2 Wounds, when it next returns it still has suffered 2 Wounds.

Due to the altitude a Flyer operates at, Flyers are ignored for the purposes of calculating who controls an Objective. Flyers do not have an Engagement Zone, cannot be Engaged and/or Pinned and do not block line of sight. As Flyers do not have an Engagement Zone, other models, friendly or enemy, can move through a Flyer's base and finish their move in base contact with it - while a model can end its move overlapping a Flyer's base, it is best to avoid this where possible.

Unless otherwise instructed, any model firing at a model with the Flyer special rule can only Hit on a natural roll of a 6, regardless of modifiers. If a weapon uses a template, such as the Flame template or the Blast template, a model with the Flyer special rule is ignored when calculating Hits unless the weapon also has the Skyfire trait.

Forward Deployment

After both players have deployed their armies, but before the first round of the battle, if all models in a Detachment have the Forward Deployment special rule, the Detachment may make a special move. The controlling player can move each Forward Deployment Detachment on the battlefield up to a number of inches equal to its Movement characteristic, ignoring Difficult terrain and Dangerous terrain rules. This move can take the Detachment outside of its deployment zone and a Detachment can Garrison a Structure if they are able to.

If both players have Forward Deployment Detachments, then the winner of a roll-off chooses who moves their Detachments first.

Furious Charge

Models with the Furious Charge special rule issued with a Charge Order add 2 to any Fight roll they make instead of 1 when issued with that Order, so long as they have moved at least 1" during the preceding Movement phase.


Some models with the Flyer special rule also have the Hover special rule. A model with the Hover special rule is not automatically removed from the battlefield during the End phase. Instead, the controlling player may choose to 'Hover' the Flyer.

A model that Hovers exchanges the Flyer special rule with the Skimmer special rule. If within 1" of an enemy model, or overlapping another model's base, move it the shortest possible distance to prevent this. If the model is within an area of Impassable terrain, it is destroyed. For the remainder of the battle, the model is no longer a Flyer and instead functions as a Skimmer, following all the rules for Skimmers as follows.

During the Resolve End Phase Effects of the End phase, a model with the Hover and Skimmer special rules can choose to take off. If it does so, it replaces the Skimmer special rule with the Flyer special rule. This happens before Flyers are removed from the battlefield and as such, the model will be removed as normal. The player with Initiative determines which of their Detachments will Hover first.

If a Detachment with the Hover special rule contains more than one model, then all models within the Detachment must choose to Hover or take off at the same time.

Detachments with the Flyer and Hover special rules can be deployed on the battlefield in 'Hover Mode'. If they are, they lose the Flyer special rule and gain the Skimmer special rule, as if they had chosen to Hover at the end of a round. They can take off later in the battle as normal.


A Detachment which contains one or more models with the Implacable special rule does not take Morale checks when they lose a Combat. Instead, the controlling player may choose if the Detachment Withdraws or not. An Engaged Implacable Detachment that does not Withdraw remains Engaged; if no models in the Detachment are in base to base contact with an enemy model, the Detachment does not move and is no longer Engaged.


Models with the Independent special rule function with a greater degree of autonomy. All models with this special rule and the same name within a Detachment form an 'Independent Unit'. A Detachment can have multiple Independent Units within it, with each Independent Unit consisting of models of the same name. The remaining models (i.e., those without the Independent special rule) are referred to as the 'Detachment Core'.

All models within an Independent Unit must maintain a 2" Detachment Coherency with other models in the same Independent Unit and a Detachment Coherency of 6" with the Detachment Core - at least one model from each Independent Unit must remain within 6" of one or more models from the Detachment Core.

If the controlling player wishes, each Independent Unit may be issued its own Order during the Order phase - this can be a different Order from the rest of its Detachment. In addition, models within the Independent Unit may choose a different target than the rest of their Detachment when firing - all models within an Independent Unit must fire at the same target unless specified otherwise.

Though it has its own Order, the Independent Unit is still part of the larger Detachment, and thus activates and reveals its Order at the same time, is issued with a Fall Back Order if the Detachment is, etc. If the Detachment calls an Overwatch, an Independent Unit only discards its Advance Order or First Fire Order if one of its models fired during the Overwatch, not if other models from the Detachment did so.

A Detachment that contains one or more Independent Units is only considered to be Engaged if a model without the Independent special rule is Engaged. If one or more models with the Independent special rule are Engaged, then all models within that Independent Unit are also Engaged, however the larger Detachment can still act as normal, providing they maintain Detachment Coherency. In other words, an Independent Unit and its Detachment count as two separate Detachments for the purposes of determining Combats and determining which models are Engaged.

Models with the Independent and Deep Strike special rules may start the game in Reserve even if the larger Detachment is deployed on the battlefield - all models in an Independent Unit must be deployed in Reserve if one is. When the Independent Unit arrives via Deep Strike, it must be deployed within 6" of one or more models from the larger Detachment (i.e., within Detachment Coherency). The Independent Unit does not Scatter, but must follow all other rules related to Deep Striking. If all other models from the Detachment have been destroyed before the Independent Unit has Deep Striked, then it is placed as if it were a normal Deep Striking Detachment

For example: An Auxilia Lasrifle Tercio consists of 8 Auxilia Auxiliaries models, 2 Auxilia Veletarii models and 2 Auxilia Ogryn Charonites models. As such it is a Detachment of 12 models with 2 Independent Units - one consisting of 2 Auxilia Veletarii models and one consisting of 2 Auxilia Ogryn Charonites models.

During the Orders phase, the Detachment can be issued between one and three Orders - one for the Auxilia Auxiliaries models and one each for the Independent Units. The 2 Auxilia Veletarii Section models must stay within 2" of each other, as must the 2 Auxilia Ogryn Charonites models, and must stay within 6" of at least one other model from the Detachment to maintain Coherency.

During the third round, the Detachment is issued an Advance Order, while the Auxilia Veletarii Independent Unit is issued a Charge Order - this allows the latter to Engage an approaching Detachment, becoming Engaged & Pinned. As no other models from the Detachment are Engaged, the remaining models may still move and fire as per their Advance Order.

If, during the same round, the Detachment's Formation becomes Broken and the Detachment fails its Morale check, both the Detachment and the Independent Unit lose their Order and gain the Fall Back Order. The Independent Unit may still fight in the Combat phase but then flees with its Detachment during the End phase.


Detachments with the Infiltrate special rule are not deployed as normal. Instead, after all players have finished deploying, players take it in turns, starting with the player who has control of the battlefield, to deploy an Infiltrating Detachment anywhere on the battlefield outside of the opposing player's deployment zone. Infiltrating models must be deployed at least 4" away from a previously deployed enemy model; if it cannot be deployed in this way, then it is deployed as normal within the controlling player's deployment zone.

Inspire (X)

Friendly Detachments within a number of inches equal to the value shown in brackets of a Detachment with this special rule may use this Detachment's Morale value in place of their own when making Morale checks.


After a model with the Interceptor rule has finished moving, it may immediately fire a single weapon of the controlling player's choice that does not have the Point Defence trait. A model firing in this way may only target Flyer models and suffers a -2 to all Hit rolls made when doing so. An Interceptor model that fires in this way may still fire as normal during the Combat phase, including with the weapon it fired as part of the Interceptor special rule, but may not also fire as part of an Overwatch.

Invulnerable Save (X)

A model with the Invulnerable Save (X) special rule gains an additional Save characteristic equal to the number shown in brackets, referred to as an Invulnerable Save. Invulnerable Saves are not modified by a weapon's AP characteristic.

Ion Shield (X)

A model with the Ion Shield special rule gains an additional Save characteristic equal to the number shown in brackets, referred to as an Ion Shield. This Save characteristic can only be used against Hits scored when the firing model is within the Front arc of the model with this special rule.

Ion Shields are not modified by a weapon's AP characteristic as normal. Instead, if the AP of the weapon is -1 or worse, the Ion Shield Save characteristic is not modified. If the AP of the weapon that scored the Hit is -2 or -3, reduce the Ion Shield Save characteristic by 1 (to a minimum of 6+). If the AP of the weapon that scored the Hit is -4 or better, reduce the Ion Shield Save characteristic by 2 (to a minimum of 6+).

Ionic Flare Shield

Models with the Ionic Flare Shield special rule improve the Save characteristic of their Ion Shields and/or Invulnerable Save by 1 against Hits scored by a weapon with the Barrage or Blast trait, to a maximum of 2+ (e.g., an Ion Shield (4+) would become an Ion Shield (3+)).

Jink (X)

Models with the Jink special rule gain an additional Save characteristic equal to the number shown in brackets, referred to as a Jink Save. Jink Saves are not modified by a weapon's AP characteristic, and cannot be taken if the target model has been issued a First Fire Order.

Jump Packs

Models with the Jump Packs special rule can move over all other models and areas of terrain, suffering no movement penalties for doing so, such as due to Difficult terrain or moving over an Obstacle. Models with the Jump Packs special rule cannot end their movement overlapping other models, nor can they end their movement within an enemy model's Engagement Zone unless they are issued with a Charge Order. They can move over Impassable terrain but cannot end their movement overlapping it - any model that ends their movement overlapping an area of Impassable terrain is destroyed.

Infantry models with the Jump Packs special rule can only end their movement on top of a Structure if they intend to Garrison it - if the Detachment does not Garrison the Structure, then any models overlapping with the Structure are destroyed.

A model with the Jump Packs special rule adds 1 to the result of all Fight rolls it makes against models Garrisoned within a Structure while issued with a Charge Order, in addition to any other modifiers.

Models with the Jump Packs special rule count as having the Bulky special rule for the purposes of Embarking on Transports. In addition, they can Disembark from a Transport with the Flyer special rule even if it does not have the Hover special rule, and a Transport with the Hover special rule does not have to Hover for them to do so (see Embarking and Disembarking on page 97 for more details).


Models with the Line special rule count their Tactical Strength as two greater than it already is (e.g., an Infantry model with the Line special rule will have a Tactical Strength of 7 instead of 5). This is cumulative with other modifiers to Tactical Strength (see page 103 for more detail).


A Detachment with this special rule may only be included within an Army that has the Loyalist Allegiance.

Macro-extinction Targeting Protocols

When a model with the Macro-extinction Targeting Protocols special rule is firing at a Super-heavy, Knight or Titan Detachment, it may re-roll all failed Hit rolls. In addition, when making Fight rolls for a model with this special rule, the controlling player may re-roll one D6 of the controlling player's choice in Fights against a Super-heavy, Knight or Titan model.

Master Tactician

A Detachment that contains one or more models with this special rule may issue commands when it is activated. Any different friendly Detachment that has yet to be activated this round, and is within 6" of an activated model with this special rule, may discard their Order token and replace it with a different Order they are eligible to be issued. A Detachment issued with a Fall Back Order cannot discard its Order via this rule, however a Broken Detachment can, and thus can be issued an Order other than Advance or Charge.


Infantry models gain the Feel No Pain special rule while within 4" of a friendly model with the Medicae special rule.


During the Resolve End Phase Effects stage of the End phase, roll a D6 for each Wound a model with the Necrotechica special rule has lost. On a 5+, the model regains a Wound.


Models with the Nimble special rule suffer no penalties to their Movement when moving through areas of Difficult terrain.

Orbital Assault

When a model with both the Orbital Assault and Drop Pod special rule is deployed on the battlefield via Deep Strike, it may immediately fire with all its weapons, following the rules for Firing on page 56. If the model in question also has the Transport (X) special rule, it fires before any models Disembark.


Instead of being deployed on the battlefield as normal, if all models in a Detachment have the Outflank special rule, the Detachment may be placed in Reserve. While in Reserve, Detachments with the Outflank special rule can only be issued the Advance Order or March Order.

When a Detachment with the Outflank special rule that is in Reserve is activated in any Movement phase other than the first, the controlling player may choose to leave it in Reserve or Flank the enemy. When a Detachment Flanks the enemy, the controlling player places the models in that Detachment in base contact with any battlefield edge, although no model can be deployed within 8" of the enemy's battlefield edge. Once deployed in this way, the Detachment may complete its activation as normal (i.e., it may move during the Movement phase and/or fire during the Combat phase, etc.).


Models Engaged with an enemy Detachment with the Phosphex special rule gain no positive modifiers to their CAF characteristic for being Garrisoned within a Structure.

Shield Generator (X)

Any model, friend or foe, including the model with this special rule, within 6" of a model with the Shield Generator (X) special rule, gains an Invulnerable Save equal to the number shown in brackets. This Save can only be made against Hits scored by models more than 6" from the Shield Generator model, i.e., if the firing model and the target are both benefitting from a Save given by the same model with this special rule then the target cannot use that Save.


Models with the Scout special rule improve any Cover Save they have by 1, to a maximum of 2+.


Models with the Skimmer special rule can move over all other models and areas of terrain, suffering no movement penalties for doing so, such as due to Difficult terrain or moving over an Obstacle. Models with the Skimmer special rule cannot end their movement overlapping other models, nor can they end their movement within an enemy model's Engagement Zone unless they are Engaged with it. They can move over Impassable terrain but cannot end their movement overlapping it - any model that ends its movement overlapping an area of Impassable terrain is destroyed.

During the First Fire stage of the Combat phase, a Detachment with the Skimmer special rule that is issued with a First Fire Order may make a 'Pop-up attack'. To make a Pop-up attack, the controlling player declares that the Detachment is doing so when it is activated. The Detachment then fires as normal. However, when making a Pop-up attack, Skimmer models trace their line of sight from a position 10" directly above the current position of the model; to determine line of sight, hold the model up in the air and take a model's eye view.

When a Skimmer Detachment makes a Pop-up attack, they remain at their elevated position until the end of the First Fire stage, meaning enemy models can draw line of sight to the Skimmer models as if they were 10" above their starting positions on the battlefield. At the end of the First Fire stage, the Skimmer models descend and line of sight must be drawn to and from them as normal.


A model with the Steadfast special rule counts its Tactical Strength as one higher than normal (e.g., an Infantry model with the Steadfast special rule would have a Tactical Strength of 6). This rule is cumulative with other special rules (i.e., an Iron Warriors Legion Terminator model would have a Tactical Strength of 8 in certain circumstances thanks to the 'The Bitter End' Legion special rule (see page 156)).

Tracking Array

While a model with the Tracking Array special rule is issued with a First Fire Order, all of its weapons gain the Skyfire special rule if they do not already have it.

Transport (X)

Models with the Transport (X) special rule can carry Detachments into battle - these models are referred to as Transports. Each model with this special rule may transport a maximum number of Infantry models equal to the value shown in brackets. When a model is within a Transport, place it to the side of the battlefield.

Models may start the battle deployed within a Transport. When deploying a Detachment which contains one or more models with the Transport (X) special rule, the controlling player may declare that it is transporting models - they state which models are Embarked on the Transport and place those models to one side. All models Embarked within a Transport must be declared when it is deployed and all models within the same Detachment must be deployed in Transports if one model is, and all the chosen Transports must be part of the same Detachment.

When being issued an Order during the Order phase, a Detachment with the Transport (X) special rule is issued an Order as normal. A Detachment that has one or more models within a Transport is issued an Order separately but can only be issued certain Orders depending on the type of Transport - unless otherwise instructed, that Detachment can only be issued an Advance Order or March Order.

If part of a Detachment is Embarked upon a Transport and another part of it is not (e.g., due to the latter part's Transport being destroyed), then the non-Embarked models must maintain Coherency with the Transports.

For example, if a Legion Tactical Detachment has six models but only four are Embarked upon Legion Rhinos (for example, because one of the Tactical Detachment's Rhinos was destroyed), then any model from the Tactical Detachment must maintain Coherency with the Rhinos and vice versa.

If a Transport is destroyed while transporting Detachments, make a Save roll for each model within it, using a Save characteristic of 4+, or the model's own Save characteristic if it is better. This Save roll is not modified by the AP of the weapon that destroyed the Transport. If the Save is failed, that model suffers a Wound. The models are then placed on the battlefield within 2" of the destroyed Transport's location - if a model cannot be placed (due to enemy models' Engagement Zones, Impassable terrain or not enough space, etc.), that model is destroyed. The models cannot be placed in Combat.

There are several special kinds of Transport as follows:

Assault Transport (X)

Models with the Assault Transport (X) special rule follow all the rules for Transports described previously, with the exception they may transport Infantry models with the Bulky special rule. In addition, Detachments Embarked within them may be issued an Advance Order, March Order or Charge Order.

Large Transport (X)

Models with the Large Transport (X) special rule follow all the rules for Transports described above, with the exception that they may transport Walkers, Infantry and models with the Bulky special rule. Each Walker model counts as two models for the purposes of determining how many models can Embark upon a Transport. In addition, Infantry models with the Bulky special rule take up one space within a Large Transport, not two.

Large Assault Transport (X)

Models with the Large Assault Transport (X) special rule follow all the rules for Large Transports, with the exception that Detachments Embarked within them may be issued an Advance Order, March Order or Charge Order.


A Detachment with this special rule may only be included within an Army that has the Traitor Allegiance.


A maximum of one of each type of Detachment with this rule can be included within an Army.

Void Shields (X)

Void Shields are energy shields that absorb incoming fire and prevent damage to those equipped with them. A model with the Void Shields (X) special rule has a starting Void Shield level equal to the number shown in brackets. Models with a Void Shield level of 1 or more are said to have active Void Shields.

When one or more Hits are scored against a model with active Void Shields, Hits are first allocated to the Void Shields. Each time a Hit is allocated to a model's Void Shields, reduce its Void Shield level by 1 then discard the Hit. Once the Void Shield level reaches 0, the Void Shields collapse and are no longer active. Any remaining Hits are allocated to the model and resolved as normal.

Hits can only be allocated to Void Shields if they were scored by a weapon with a modified AP of -1 or better; Hits scored by weapons with an AP of 0 or worse (after modifiers) against a model with active Void Shields are automatically discarded and do not reduce the model's Void Shield level.

During the End phase, in the Resolve End Phase Effects stage, a model with the Void Shields (X) special rule may attempt to reignite any collapsed Void Shields. The controlling player rolls a number of D6 equal to the difference between a model's current Void Shield level and its starting Void Shield level. For each 4+ rolled, increase that model's Void Shield level by 1.

Embarking and Disembarking

Models can begin the game deployed within a Transport. They can also Embark upon a Transport during the course of the game. To Embark upon a friendly Transport, a model must end its activation in the Movement phase in base to base contact with it - the model is then removed from the battlefield and placed to one side.

During a Transport's activation in the Movement phase, models Embarked upon the Transport may Disembark - this can be done at any point during the Transport's activation; all models from the same Detachment must Disembark if they can. A Disembarking model is placed within 1" of the Transport it was Embarked within - if a model cannot be placed in this manner then it remains Embarked. A Disembarking model cannot be placed within the Engagement Zone of an enemy model.

If a model that Disembarked has yet to activate this phase, it can be activated as normal later on. If a model that has Disembarked has already been activated then it is placed as described above. In either case, the Transport's Detachment can then finish its activation.

Embarking and Disembarking from a Transport with the Flyer special rule works slightly differently. If a Transport with the Flyer special rule has the Hover special rule, then when a Detachment Disembarks from it the Transport immediately loses the Flyer special rule and gains the Skimmer special rule; if the Transport is part of a Detachment, then all models in the Detachment do this, even if no model Disembarks from them. Similarly, a model cannot Embark upon a model with the Flyer special rule - the Flyer model must be hovering for a model to Embark upon it.

Some special rules (such as Jump Packs) allow a model to ignore the need to Hover. If the Flyer does not have the Hover special rule then models cannot Disembark from it unless a rule (such as the Jump Packs special rule) explicitly says they can. If a Transport with the Flyer special rule is destroyed, models within it are also destroyed, without making Save rolls, unless those models can normally Disembark from a Flyer without it Hovering.

Remote Controlled Detonation

If a model with the Remote Controlled Detonation special rule ends its movement within 12" of a friendly model with the Commander special rule, it may detonate. When a model detonates, it attacks with all of its weapons that have the Blast (3"/5") trait. The central hole of the Blast template is placed over the detonating model - it does no damage to itself (i.e., don't make Hit rolls for the detonating model) and the template does not Scatter. Once the effects of the detonation have been resolved, the detonating model is destroyed.

If a Detachment contains more than one model with this rule, the controlling player can choose which models detonate and which do not, doing so before resolving any detonation. Models that detonate are not affected by friendly models that are detonating at the same time. Any model that does not detonate is affected if it is under the Blast template as normal.