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Fog of War

Following the viral bombardment of Tallarn, the surface of the planet became a murky hellscape of thick organic fogs. These multi-hued clouds drifted in great storms across the devastated surface, a deadly amalgam of liquified organic matter intermixed with the remaining elements of the viral payloads. As the Traitor invaders and remaining Loyalist defenders ventured from their shelters to decide the fate of that world, they found vision distances dramatically reduced, with scanning equipment unable to accurately map locations of enemy forces. The start of many battles was heralded by the emergence of enemy tanks and heavy infantry from the thick mists, their weapons blazing. For every armoured vehicle, any cracked armour plate or breached seal was a potential death sentence for the vehicle crew that huddled inside.

Using Fog of War in your Battles

If all players agree, you can use these additional Fog of War rules in your Legions Imperialis battles. Note that these rules are intentionally limiting the effectiveness of long-range attacks, as such, players are encouraged to build armies accordingly and to agree on the use of these rules beforehand to avoid granting an unfair advantage to more prepared players.

Hidden Set-up

If the players are using the Fog of War rules in their battle, they can choose to use Hidden Set-up if they wish. If they do so, there are several ways this can be achieved.

One way to do this is to set up a barrier blocking the visibility of each player to their opponent's deployment zone before setting up any Formations. This might be a sheet suspended from above the battlefield, a series of large boxes placed along the centre of the battlefield, or any other kind of physical barrier. Once players have set up their Armies, the barrier is removed, and their deployment revealed before the first round begins.

A second method is for each player to make a note of each of their Detachments on small scraps of paper or adhesive sticky notes, and set these up face-down in place of models in the appropriate space in their deployment zone or in Reserves. Once both players have set up all of these, they then reveal each one in turn and set up the noted Detachment in that space before the first round begins as normal.

Reduced Visibility

When using Fog of War rules, visibility across the battlefield is dramatically lowered. As such, when a Detachment is firing:

  • Each weapon's maximum range is limited to 18", unless it is already lower. This does not apply to weapons with the Barrage or Heavy Barrage traits.

  • If the target is more than 6" away from a firing model, an additional -1 modifier is applied when rolling To Hit.

  • If the target is more than 12" away from a firing model, it gains a 5+ Cover Save.

Deadly Fog of War

In some environments, aside from concealing hidden foes, the environmental effects also posed a very real danger. Some, like those found on Tallarn, were highly corrosive and toxic. Only the most heavily armoured troops or vehicles could survive for more than a few moments in these war zones.

If players wish, in addition to using the normal rules for Fog of War, they can use the rules for Deadly Fog of War. This uses all the rules for Fog of War, with the following additions:

During each End Phase:

  • Each player makes a Save roll for each Infantry or Cavalry model from their Army on the battlefield, with a +1 modifier. If that model is Garrisoning a Structure, that player can re-roll the result.

If that Save roll is failed, that model suffers a Wound.

  • Each player makes a Save roll for each model from their Army (excluding Infantry or Cavalry) on the battlefield that has lost any Wounds. If that Save roll is failed, that model suffers a Wound.