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Breakthrough Campaign: The Northern Desolation

If players wish, when starting a Breakthrough campaign, they can instead fight the Northern Desolation campaign, representing the battles between Loyalist and Traitor forces on Tallarn prior to the crashing of the Eagle's Talon. This campaign is designed for six players, with three in each Faction.

Additional Rules

The Northern Desolation Campaign Map

The Northern Desolation campaign uses the following campaign map.

Ravaged World

Each battle in the Northern Desolation campaign uses the Fog of War additional rules, found on page 72, including the optional Deadly Fog of War rules.

Route Rules

In the Northern Desolation campaign, each battle has an additional special rule, depending on which Route that battle is taking place on.

Sapphire Basin - Titan Graveyard

All Difficult Terrain on this battlefield is also considered to be Dangerous Terrain, though it still grants Cover Saves.

Khedive Range - Rocky Peaks

Each time a model would lose a Wound as a result of Deadly Fog of War, roll a D6. On a 4+, that Wound is not lost.

Khedive Plateau - Wreck of Victory's Sacrament

The Cover Save granted by terrain features on this battlefield is improved by 1 (e.g., a Cover Save of 5+ is improved to 4+).

Stronghold Assault

When a Faction launches a Stronghold Assault in the Northern Desolation campaign, additional rules will apply to the Stronghold they are assaulting. If the Loyalist Faction declares a Stronghold Assault, the Assault on the Sightless Warren additional rules are in use. If the Traitor Faction declares a Stronghold Assault, the Assault on the Rachab Fortress additional rules are in use.

Assault on the Sightless Warren

When these additional rules are in use, the following applies:

  • Supporting Artillery

In each Advancing Fire stage, instead of selecting a Detachment from their Army, the Defender can instead select to fire their supporting artillery. When they do so, they can fire the following weapon, measuring the range from their own battlefield edge. Attacks with this weapon are always made as if line of sight cannot be drawn to the target:

Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Supporting artillery 90" 5 4+ -1 Barrage, Light AT
  • Local Knowledge

Each time a unit from the Attacker's Army is set up using the Deep Strike special rule, the controlling player can re-roll the Scatter dice and/or D6 to determine the final position of the first model.

Assault on the Rachab Fortress

When these additional rules are in use, the following applies:

  • Hidden Entrances

Detachments from the Attacker's Army cannot select the Gate as a target unless they are within 12" of it.

  • Deadly Exposure

At the end of each round, while the Attacker controls the central Objective marker and the Gate is open, the Attacker scores 2 additional Victory Points.