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Battle Honours

The battles of the Horus Heresy consumed the galaxy, thrusting the armies of Mankind into internecine conflict.

In this crucible of war, even the most untested warriors swiftly became veterans, learning the skills required to survive and destroy their foes or be consumed by the fires of the Age of Darkness.

Battle Honours are upgrades which can be given to Detachments to provide personalisation and additional abilities or improvements to their characteristics, allowing you to represent famous units from across the Horus Heresy. In this section you will find a series of Battle Honours that can be purchased for each Detachment Type, as well as a new Campaign Expansion allowing your Detachments to gain experience in your campaign battles, in order to gain Battle Honours.

Gaining Battle Honours

If both players agree, when Mustering Your Army, one Detachment in each Formation in your Army can be upgraded to have Battle Honours. The controlling player selects one of the Battle Honours available to that Detachment and increases the points cost of that Detachment by the amount shown.


Battle Honour Points Increase
Masters of Cover
Improve the Cover Save granted to models in this Detachment by 1, to a maximum of 3+ (e.g., if a model in this Detachment would gain a 5+ Cover Save, it instead gains a 4+ Cover Save).
+2 points per model in the Detachment.
Stalwart Defenders
During any round in which this Detachment was issued a First Fire Order, the controlling player can re-roll Morale checks made for this Detachment.
+1 point per model in the Detachment.
Adaptable Tactics
At the end of the Orders phase, the controlling player of this Detachment may discard its Order token and replace it with a different Order they are eligible to be issued. A Detachment issued with a Fall Back Order cannot have its Order discarded via this rule, however a Broken Detachment can, and thus can be issued an Order other than Advance or Charge.
+1 point per model in the Detachment.


Battle Honour Points Increase
Walking Icons
Improve the Morale characteristic of models in this Detachment by 1 to a maximum of 2+ (e.g., a Morale characteristic of 3+ improves to 2+). In addition, this Detachment has the Inspire (6") special rule.
+3 points per model in the Detachment.
When this Detachment moves through Dangerous Terrain, it suffers a Hit for each full 4" it moved through the area of Dangerous terrain instead of for each full 1".
+2 points per model in the Detachment.
Hammer of Wrath
While this Detachment is Engaged with a Detachment with a Scale of 1, add 1 to the result of Fight rolls made for models in this Detachment.
+3 points per model in the Detachment.


Battle Honour Points Increase
Expert Outriders
While this Detachment is within 6" of a friendly Vehicle Detachment, that Vehicle Detachment has the Jink (6+) special rule.
+2 points per model in the Detachment.
Forward Observers
Each time a friendly Detachment fires with a weapon with the Barrage trait, if a model from this Detachment can draw line of sight to the target Detachment, the target Detachment is treated as being visible to the firing Detachment.
+5 points per model in the Detachment.
Swift Raiders
If this Detachment is Engaged & Pinned, treat it as being Engaged instead.
+3 points per model in the Detachment.


Battle Honour Points Increase
Steel Phalanx
When the opposing player selects this Detachment as the target of a Detachment under their control, firing models do not receive the bonus to a weapon's AP characteristic for being in the Rear Arc of models in this Detachment.
+5 points per model in the Detachment.
Masters of Defence
Each time a model in this Detachment fires, the controlling player can re-roll Hit rolls of 1 made for weapons with the Point Defence weapon trait.
+1 point per weapon with the Point Defence special rule in the Detachment.
Spiteful Demise
Each time a model in this Detachment is destroyed, before removing that model, the controlling player can roll a D6. On a 4+, the closest enemy Detachment within 12" of that model suffers 1 Hit with an AP of -1 and the Light AT weapon trait.
+5 points per model in the Detachment.


Battle Honour Points Increase
Add 1" to the Movement characteristic of models in this Detachment.
+10 points per model in the Detachment.
Favoured by the Mechanicum
During the Resolve End Phase Effects stage of the End phase, the controlling player can roll a D6 for each Wound that has been lost by a model from this Detachment (excluding destroyed models). On a 5+, the model regains a Wound.
+8 points per model in the Detachment.
Big Game Hunters
Each time a model in this Detachment wins a Fight against a model of an equal or greater Scale, the winning model is treated as having a weapon with the Engine Killer (1) trait when the losing model suffers a Wound. If that model already has a weapon with the Engine Killer (X) trait, improve the value of that trait by 1 (e.g., Engine Killer (1) would become Engine Killer (2)).
+10 points per model in the Detachment.


Battle Honour Points Increase
Expert Enginseers
When attempting to reignite Void Shields for models in this Detachment, the controlling player can re-roll one of the D6s.
+5 points per Void Shield level on each model in the Detachment.
Disdain for Inferiors
When firing with this Detachment, the controlling player can select enemy Detachments which are Engaged and Pinned as the target(s). If the Hit roll for an attack made against such a Detachment is a 1, that dice is resolved as a successful Hit against a randomly determined friendly Detachment that is Engaged with the target Detachment.
+15 points per model in the Detachment.
Praetorius Clade
This Battle Honour can only be selected for Detachments with a Wounds characteristic of 6 or more.
All models in a Detachment with this Battle Honour gain the following weapon.
This weapon may only be used in Fights where the enemy model is Scale 1.
Weapon Range Dice To Hit AP Traits
Praetorius clade ----Rend
+20 points per model in the Detachment.